Male to Female Bottom Surgery Results


Male to Female Bottom Surgery Results – Transgender surgery goes by a constellation of names. People call it gender-affirming surgery; gender reassignment, realignment, or confirmation surgery; masculinization or feminization surgery; male-to-female or female-to-male surgery; or even sex reassignment surgery.

Increasingly, as medicine breaks out of a gender-binary box, more inclusive and culturally appropriate descriptors, such as “gender-affirmation surgery” and “gender-affirming care,” are catching on. Older terms such as gender- or sex-reassignment surgery and male-to-female or female-to-male surgery have fallen out of favor.

What is Bottom Surgery?

What is Bottom Surgery_Bottom surgery refers to cosmetic surgeries performed on the genitals to give them the appearance and, in some cases, functions that align with your gender identity. Not all transgender people want to undergo bottom surgery, but it can significantly improve the self-esteem and quality of life for persons who do.

You may also hear Bottom surgery called:

  • Gender confirmation surgery
  • Genital reconstructive surgery
  • Gender confirmation surgery

Having genitalia that align with your gender identity can help relieve feelings of gender dysphoria. After sex reassignment surgery, transgender people often feel more comfortable with their sexual partners in healthcare settings, swimming pools, or gyms.

What types of bottom surgery are there?

If you are taking hormones, living in your desired sexual role, and feeling emotionally ready, you may choose to have bottom surgery as the last step in the transition.

There are many kinds of bottom surgery available. You and your surgeon will select the suitable method based on your needs, preferences, and goals.

Female to male (FTM) bottom surgery

Buttock surgery for transgender men contains a hysterectomy have to remove the uterus and often the ovaries. So there are two main options for genital reconstruction: phalloplasty or phalloplasty.

Clitoroplasty is performed when the surgeon releases the clitoris from the ligaments that hold it inside the body. Then they add fabric to increase the length and girth. The surgeon may also lengthen the urethra to allow you to urinate while standing. It is the most common procedure chosen by FTM patients because it is less expensive and can be completed in a single surgery.

Phalloplasty signifies the most complete genital transformation for FTM individuals. This operation is performed in several stages and uses skin grafts from other sites in the body and the implantation of a prosthetic penis to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing penis. Because it is so intricate, there is a higher risk of complications such as scarring and urination problems, but most people who have this procedure are satisfied with the results.

Male to Female Bottom Surgery (MTF)

Several surgical procedures are available to transgender women, with the removal of the penis, scrotum, and testicles (orchiectomy). The latter removes the main source of testosterone from the body.

Depending on your goals, your surgeon will create new structures (such as a new labia, labia, clitoris, and possibly a vaginal canal) with a “vaginoplasty” procedure. These new structures will have a feminine appearance and texture and be functional for copulation if desired.

People who do not want vaginal penetration or have medical problems may choose to have a depthless vaginoplasty, also known as an episioplasty. It would give the external appearance of the vulva but without the internal vaginal canal.

How much is bottom surgery?

The exact cost of bottom surgery depends on factors such as your place, the procedures performed, and your insurance plan coverage. You may need to document particular criteria before your insurance covers the surgery. Your healthcare provider can help you estimate the fees and navigate insurance coverage.

The total cost of buttock surgery will include the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and hospital stay fees. You may have to pay for medications and supplies needed to care for your surgical wound while it heals.

You can expect total costs from $6,400 to $24,900 for FTM buttock surgery and around $25,000 for MTF bottom surgery.

What is Bottom Surgery Recovery Like?

Bottom surgeries are major surgery, and your body will take time to heal afterward. The amount of recovery time you need rests on the kind of surgery you had.

MTF Bottom Surgery Recovery

For transgender men, you will usually stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days later surgery. The new vagina will be packed with gauze and then covered with an enormous bandage over the genitals to prevent swelling and bruising. You will be on bed rest and will have a urinary catheter in place before you can go home. When you come home from the hospital, you will take certain medications to prevent infection and relieve pain. You will likely follow up with your surgeon about a week after surgery.

Once the gauze pad is removed, your provider will show you how to dilate your new vagina daily to widen the canal and allow penetration (if desired). You will continue to see your surgeon regularly to monitor your progress. Vaginal intercourse can begin 6 to 8 weeks after surgery.

FTM Bottom Surgery Recovery

For trans women, your postoperative care will lay on the surgical procedures performed. Some processes take place in multiple stages so that you may have more than one surgery. You will possibly receive antibiotics to prevent infection after each phase. You’ll also have a stent to retain your new urethra open while it heals and a distinct tube to allow urine to exit your body during this time.

You may have a wound on your arm or groin where tissue was removed for a skin graft. Your provider will give you instructions on how to keep this area clean and dry while it heals.

After around ten days, the stent will be removed. The urine tube will remain in place for another three weeks, after which it will also be removed. Next, your provider will instruct you to use a discharge device and to use a class of drugs named phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors), known as Viagra (generic name sildenafil; see Vital Safety Information) or Cialis (generic name tadalafil; see essential safety information). ), for at least six months to prevent your new body from relapsing.


Transgender surgeries help to reduce or resolve gender dysphoria in transsexual, transgender, and gender non-conforming people. It is a highly personalized process that looks different for each person and can often take several months or years. Psychotherapy and hormone therapy are typically required before surgical planning.