How You Can Maintain a Healthy Home in a Post Covid World

Maintain a Healthy Home in a Post Covid World

Maybe the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over yet. But the beginning of the end is very apparent, at least in the U.S., while other countries, like India, continue to struggle with its sickly and deadly effects. But as we gradually approach what will certainly be a post-COVID world sooner than later, a renewed sense of cleanliness, wellness, and health in the home is pervasive.

In short, people will continue to be germ/virus conscious long after the last case of COVID-19 is diagnosed. Who wants to take chances on getting the disease just because it’s said to have been eradicated?

But COVID isn’t the only thing to worry about when it comes to hidden dangers inside the home. Says a new report, most of us spend at least half our lives inside our homes. At the same time, we rarely take into account the direct connection between our housing and our overall health.

Home health concerns aren’t just limited to germs and the COVID-19 virus either. For instance, maybe your filthy air conditioner filter needs replacing. Or maybe your toxic chemical-filled, hard tap water requires filtering by a Brita under sink water filter. Perhaps moldy carpets need to be ripped out and hard wood floors installed in their place. Perhaps the chipping, lead-based paint needs to be removed. All of these changes will make your home a healthier place to live. But for now, let’s concentrate on keeping your home as germ free as possible.

That said, here are some effective ways you can maintain a healthy home both while the COVID-19 Pandemic winds down and after it’s been declared eliminated.

Plastic and Steel

Viruses tend to hang around on plastic and stainless steel surfaces longer than other materials like wood. You should be consistently spraying all surfaces regardless of their make, and also scrubbing them to make sure they are clean.

The Kid’s Toys

There’s nothing more covered in germs than little kid’s rubber toys. You will want to wash them in warm soapy water on a daily basis. This includes the toys your kids use in schools and at home.

If you can’t wash them yourself, then run them in the dishwasher and/or spray them with a 70-percent ethyl-alcohol rinse.

Cell Phones

You should clean your phone every time you return from an outing or work. Use an alcohol rinse or an alcohol wipe.


Floors are easily covered not only in dirt and dust, but whatever you’ve stepped in outside is easily transported inside. That is, you keep your shoes on upon entering your home, like most people do. The best solution to dirty carpets is to use a steam mop along with a spray cleaner.

However, whether or not steam kills germs and/or something as powerful as the COVID-19 virus, is something that’s still up for scientific debate. But steaming can’t hurt. Some people will tell you steam kills up to 99-percent of all germs. One benefit of steam is that it will not leave a chemical residue which can harm your pets or your kids.


With people starting to get out and about more often, you still need to wash your clothing and clothe masks in warm/hot soapy water and preferably in a washing machine in soft, filtered water. Clothing with less outdoor exposure, like pajamas, can be washed in cold water.


Windows gather dust, dirt, and grime on the outside, germs and bacterial agents on the inside. Use an alcohol-based spray inside and out. But on the inside the experts will tell you a mixture of vinegar and water will do the trick. Who knew?

Dust Covered Rugs

You should vacuum at least once per week, pandemic or no pandemic. Believe it or not, your home is filled with toxins. Vacuuming and dusting at least once per week will assist in mitigating your exposure.


This is probably no brainer, but you need to clean your bathroom every other day, including floors and walls. Make sure you get all the handles and spigots. Yes, you will need to clean the toilet thoroughly, maybe even on a daily basis if you have some rugrats running around. That means getting up inside the bowl to clean all the little nooks and crannies. It’s not a glamorous job, but proper hygiene is very important.

Your Food

You are not the only person to touch your food. Not by a long shot. You are merely the last person to touch it. That means you should wash all your fresh produce and fruits prior to consuming. Always rinse thoroughly. Even if your iceberg lettuce comes wrapped in clear plastic, never serve without washing it. It’s harvested not only with the help of chemicals and other toxins to keep the bugs at bay, but also manure. That alone should make you want to clean your veggies.

Also, it pays to rinse your chicken as soon as you remove it from the package. The same goes for packages beef and pork products.

The Air

Air purifiers for every bedroom will help keep the environment free of dust and toxins. This is especially important if you suffer from allergies. Air fresheners, it should be noted, do not clean the air. They also leave a chemical residue that is said to cause more damage than good.

Also, You can find more helpful resources at Popbom.