Hidden Perks of Visiting the Dentist for Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common ailment that can be embarrassing. It will make you less confident and might even lead to people avoiding you. It is caused by plaque build-up on your teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay if left untreated.

This is why it is necessary to find the dentist in Toorak that is right for you. Dental professionals are trained specifically in bad breath solutions. In this blog post, you will discover five hidden perks of going to see your dentist about your bad breath concern.

1. Help you prevent gum disease

How do you know if your teeth are coated with plaque? You may notice it when they start to turn yellow or brown. Some people call this tartar build-up! Plaque is the enemy of healthy gums because it causes gum disease, leading to tooth loss. Here, the dentist will remove all those stubborn stains before any significant damage has occurred.

2. Eliminates calculus build-up

Dentists who specialise in treating bad breath are often asked to answer the following questions:

  • Is plaque build-up the source of bad breath?
  • Is tartar the cause of sour breath?
  • Will professional teeth cleaning be able to assist me with my foul breath?

However, the best way to have good breath is by visiting the dentist regularly. Professional teeth cleanings remove plaque and calculus formed on your teeth, giving you a fresh mouth every time.

3. Fix old restoration

In some circumstances, previous restorations are the sources of bad breath. For example, an old bridge tooth can loosen with time and allow bacteria to build up beneath its treatment, resulting in an unpleasant smell. However, here the dentist will check your teeth and ask if you are experiencing persistent issues. After that, they will recommend one more technique, such as replacing lost denture parts. Thus, don’t forget to visit them soon.

4. Improve bad oral hygiene practices

It’s a well-known fact that bad breath is caused by poor dental hygiene. For example, not flossing, not brushing enough times per day, and eating mints all night can lead to an unpleasant odour in your mouth. However, one may be avoided with some helpful tips from your dentist, or even better teeth care.

5. Analysis for oral cancer

People may not always think of their oral health as being important. However, the condition can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. Hence, it is vital to know the signs of oral cancer, like lesions and lumps within the mouth and constant pain. A dentist visit during which clinical symptoms are detected can help you get the necessary, appropriate care early. This way, oral cancer doesn’t progress any further.


It’s never too late to take treatment for your teeth and keep them clean. If you are experiencing any bad breath issues, a visit to a dentist can help you figure out what is causing it before things get worse than before.