Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error Solved

Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error – This guide will show you how to fix the calamity dungeon biome chests error. This error occurs in the Terraria game. Terraria is an escapade 2D game developed by Re-logic in 2011. It is a fight-created game which you can play online for free. The games highlight painting, building,  crafting and exploration.

Terraria consists of thousands of mods, one of which is the Calamity mod, which we will talk about in this article. The dungeon biome chests error is seen in the calamity mod.

Biome Chest is having trouble loading in new world

Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error 1

Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error – Users often face the problem of discovering an error while downloading or loading the calamity biome chest in the dungeon. Many of them cannot continue their game because of this error. Many users will experience this problem while making the world calamity. And also, users try to make a world with nothing but calamity.

Why does this error happen?

There aren’t appropriate and sure reasons for this error, but some of them would be: corrupt game files, faulty update to the mod, no proper installation, etc.

Calamity biome chest error: 3 Fixes

1. Update Calamity Mod and Terraria

Firstly, check for new updates in both Terraria and Calamity Mod. If there is any update in both, update them. There’s a good likelihood that the developers have resolved the problem. And a patch has been released to remedy it for the player base.

2. Check the integrity of Steam game files

Fortunately, Steam includes a tool that checks your game files and reinstalls any potentially damaged files. Take these actions:

  1. Go to “Steam Library”.
  2. Right-click on “Terraria”
  3. Select “Properties”
  4. Go to the “Local files” tab
  5. Click on “Verify integrity of game files…”

Now, steam will take care of it. After that, play the game, and you will find the error or issue solved.

3. Reinstall Terraria and Calamity Mod

If the above two methods to fix the error don’t work out, follow this step. Reinstall the mod and the game both separately from scratch. For a clean uninstall, delete the calamity mod and then delete the game. When you are sure that all the game-related files are deleted, do the same thing for the mod. Now, reinstall them both again.

These three methods will help you solve the error of the calamity dungeon biome chests. And then, you can happily continue and enjoy playing your game again. Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error

Biome Chest – Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error

Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error 3

These biome chests are located in the dungeon and are a type of hard mode chests. You can find only one biome chest in the calamity mod: the Astral Chest. The essential thing in it is the Heavenfallen Stardisk and the misc items. While creating a world, the astral chest is placed already. At that time, it is locked. You can unlock it once you defeat a specific boss. There is only one astral chest in one world. Things to do to unlock an astral chest:

  • Astrum Aureus must be defeated.
  • When you return to your dungeon, you will find your astral chest and can open it. It does not need a key to open like the vanilla biome chests.

The misc items with their respective quantities present in the astral chest are:

  • Stardust – 30 to 80
  • Aureus Cell – 10 to 15
  • Zerg Potion – 8
  • Zen potion – 3 to 5
  • Fallen Star – 12 to 30
  • Gold Coin – 30 to 120

Calamity mod dungeon chests still not working?

Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error – Following are the problems and errors faced by the users while playing the game:

“I was just wondering if there was a patch or new version available yet, as I know this was an issue a few days ago.”

“I learned through Reddit that the issue can be resolved by downloading version 2022.06.96.1 of the tmodloader programme, replacing the existing file on your computer, and rebooting.

A world with the Calamity mod enabled was created after I tested it, and it worked.”

“Downloading the Biome Fix Mod is a simpler option.”

World generation with Calamity is persistently broken

Methods to Fix:

  • Download Calamity Mod
  • Download Super Seed Search Mod
  • Try to utilize Super Seed Search Mod to create a world
  • Delete all the mods – Calamity Dungeon Biome Chests Error