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The Benefits Of Using Online Pharmacies

The Benefits Of Using Online Pharmacies

In an era where everything is computerized, many stores opt for online sales to better access their services. For a few years now, pharmacies have also adopted this option. Called e-pharmacies, the services offered to make life easier for their customers while offering them consultation services on their site. So what are the benefits that can be derived from this new service? Know more about 26 c to f

Better Respect For Confidentiality

Everyone has experienced this embarrassing situation at the pharmacy where everyone can see what drugs they have purchased. This is even more uncomfortable when it comes to personal products such as morning-after pills. With online pharmacies, we can avoid these situations , and confidentiality is total. Also, these products’ purchase does not require a prescription, which makes them even more accessible. Find out about 18 cm to inches

The principle of confidentiality is even more respected when seeking advice from professionals. It is difficult to discreet everyone when asking how to use a hemorrhoid product, for example. Also, home delivery is provided.

Home delivery is an essential advantage for all people with reduced mobility. They can now order their medicines from their homes without having to travel.

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A Much More Convenient Service

Aside from respecting confidentiality, the services offered by e-pharmacies are much more practical. We think mainly of patients who cannot move from home or the elderly who regularly need to renew their medication.

It is the assurance of the availability of the products you need. There is no longer any question of moving around unnecessarily. A few clicks are all it takes to order. And also, we respect the client confidentiality.

With the online consultation, we find ourselves in direct contact with a doctor who can give valuable advice on each individual’s treatments. The bottom line is that we reserve online drug orders and consultations for non-emergency cases.

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The Treatment Of Your Spa

The Treatment Of Your Spa

For your spa water to be always clean, it is vital to treat and disinfect it regularly using different products that are suitable and correctly dosed. Remember to regularly check the quality of the water in your spa to make it easier to treat.

Why Treat Spa Water?

The treatment of spa water is essential and we should do it diligently, as this influences the quality of the water, the comfort, and the hygiene of the users:

  • Spa water treatment begins with effective filtration.
  • You choose different treatment products: chlorine, bromine, active oxygen, PHMB, and Ozone.
  • It is crucial to test spa water regularly.
  • Sometimes it may also be necessary to perform shock water treatment.
  • Finally, don’t forget to clean the spa regularly.

Which Treatment Product To Choose For Spa Water?

There are different spa treatment products, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

Spa Treatment With Chlorine

Chlorine for a spa is the most widely used treatment product because it is beneficial and inexpensive: € 20 per 5 kg pot of tablets. This powerful disinfectant can destroy microorganisms, fungi, algae, bacteria, and viruses, allowing you to enjoy a healthy spa. It comes in liquid, powder, or tablet form that you place in the skimmer or a floating dispenser.

However, note that chlorine is sensitive to hot temperatures and pH changes, reducing its effectiveness. Finally, note that it is contraindicated for inflatable spas as it can damage the coating.

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Spa Treatment With Bromine

Spa bromine is as effective as a disinfectant as chlorine, and it is much less sensitive to high temperatures, UV rays, and changes in pH, which is why it has been so successful in recent times. Also, it is odorless and does not irritate the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.

In short, bromine has many advantages, but it is also more expensive: count around 65 € for a 5 kg pot of bromine tablets. Note that bromine can in no way be combined with chlorine, mostly stabilized chlorine and other acidic products. However, we can combine it with active oxygen, which will reactivate it.

Spa Treatment With Active Oxygen

Active spa oxygen is a frequently found product because it is natural and does not cause irritation. Note that always combine it with a persistent product which will enhance its disinfection power. You can also combine it with chlorine, especially if you want to shock the spa water. Finally, note that it is susceptible to temperature variations and high temperatures, increasing the quantities when you heat the water. Count around 20 to 25 € for 20 tablets of active oxygen.

The Spa Treatment At The PHMB

PHMB is stable and does not irritate, besides being very insensitive to temperature and pH variations. On the other hand, it has no action against algae, unlike chlorine, which requires you to combine it with an anti-algae. Note that PHMB is incompatible with both chlorine, bromine, copper, and bronze. Count between 10 and 20 € / liter of PHMB on average.

The Ozone Spa Treatment

Ozone is a gas that is produced by an Ozonator that you have to install. It has the benefit of reducing the use of chemicals and reduces chemical odors, the risks of irritation, and intolerance. It must still be associated with a persistent product such as chlorine, bromine, or active oxygen and requires continuous filtration for the Ozonator to produce Ozone continuously. Count between 50 and 200 € for a Spa Ozonator.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Healthy


Tips for Keeping Your Home Healthy

A good number of us spend half of our lives inside our houses, and without knowing it, we create a strong connection between our health and the house. As a result, we should strive to create a healthy and safe environment within our homes for comfortable living.
This guide contains a few tips on how you can keep your home healthy.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Healthy

Here are a few simple and smart tips you can use to create a healthy living environment within your home.

Keep It Dry

Have you ever lived in a house with a leaking roof or pipes? How was your experience? Well, if you’ve never found yourself in such a situation, count yourself lucky.

Generally, a leaking house, whether from the roof, interior plumbing pipes or poor drainage, predisposes your home to damp and mouldy conditions. If you are living in Arizona and you are looking for plumbers, you can contact some plumber in Phoenix. Mould and damp conditions create a health hazard by irritating your eyes, ears, nose and throat. Additionally, such conditions cause sneezing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. All these health hazards can be avoided by keeping your home dry. Here’s how to do it:
• Repair any leaks.
• Use exhaust fans when taking a shower or cooking.
• Ensure your clothes and other fabrics are completely dry before storing them.
• Using a humidifier, keep humidity low in your home whenever necessary.
• Remove basement clutter, and decongest each room to avoid mould from building up.

Always Keep It Clean

One of the most significant ways of creating a healthy home is by keeping it clean. You should control dust and other contaminants in your home by thoroughly cleaning all interior and exterior areas. Clear any unnecessary outdoor plants growing around your home, dispose of any garbage, declutter your basement and clean and disinfect all surfaces.

Use ideal cleaners and detergents to clean your kitchen, bedrooms, pavements, bathrooms, lounge and any other room within your home.

Fully Ventilate your Home

Letting in fresh and clean air is undeniably one of the most fundamental steps in creating a healthy home. To give your home a touch of fresh air, you need to keep it well ventilated.

Proper ventilation keeps away smoke and other toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and radon. Here is how you can ensure your home is fully ventilated.
• Install ventilation in your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room.
• Frequently open your doors and windows when the prevailing weather is permitting.
• Maintain your ventilation system and furnace by having a qualified technician inspect them regularly.
• Clean and change your filters as recommended.

Ensure your Home is Safe

Another life-saving tip is making your home safe for you and other members of your family. Keeping your home safe ultimately reduces exposure to health hazards.

Here is what you can do to keep it safe:

• Store chemicals and other poisonous substances such as pesticides out of reach of children.
• Ensure any stored chemicals are properly labelled to avoid any mix-up.
• Keep children playing areas free from hard and sharp objects.
• Keep fire extinguishers at hand.
• Install carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors and ensure they are working efficiently at all time.

Keep It Pest-Free

Pests and bugs can be a nuisance in our homes. Some, such as mice and cockroaches, may pick E. coli and Salmonella bacteria as they rummage through the garbage, thus exposing your family to infections.

You can keep your home pest-free by:

• Keeping your house dust and contaminants free through regular dusting and cleaning.
• Sealing any openings and cracks within your home.
• Draining any clogged pipes and water paths to destroy pests’ breeding grounds.
• Store your foodstuffs in pest-resistant containers.
• Use human-friendly pesticides.
• Fumigate your home regularly.

In some cases, it may be extremely difficult to permanently eliminate pests and bugs, even after adopting these tips. In such an instance, you may need help from professionals. If you find yourself in such a situation, feel free to contact Excel Pest Services. They offer professional pest removal and disinfection services that will give your home a fresh feel.

Properly Maintain your Home

Maintaining your home involves conducting regular inspections to ensure everything is in order. Inspecting alone isn’t enough; you should make an effort to take care of any problems and repairs before they develop into serious issues that may interfere with your family’s health. If the repairs are beyond what you can handle, seek help from experts.


We all have different preferences when it comes to taking care of our homes, but one thing that remains constant is keeping them healthy. A healthy home is a comfortable haven to live in, and it basically contributes to the general well-being of your entire family.

Are Pregnant Women More At Risk By From Covid-19?

Since the start of the pandemic, fears about the risk for pregnant women of developing severe forms of Covid-19 was regularly raising. Scientists are also wondering about the risk of mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy and the impact on fetal development.

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However, the limited data available makes their task more difficult. In fact, as during the SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV epidemics, only a small number of pregnant women infected with the virus have been document in the scientific literature. There is no confirmation of the possibility of mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy (vertical transmission) about these two other coronaviruses.

The Covid-19 Risk

In the case of Covid-19, suspicions of vertical transmission during pregnancy have been reported quite early. Especially in China, where the case of an infant testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 around 36 hours after birth has. However, after childbirth, the virus’s transmission could not exclude following close contact between mother and child. As a study publish in Lancet Infectious Diseases specifies, this transmission mode could not be confirmed in many other similar cases. Either, because no trace of the virus was found in the: placenta, the cord umbilical, amniotic fluid, or breast milk in women and infants test.

A case study published in July in Nature Communications sheds further light on the subject. It was describing the first case of transmission of Covid-19 from a pregnant woman to her child via the placenta. The researchers looked at the clinical case of a 23-year-old mother with Covid-19, whose baby also showed signs of the disease from birth. They took blood samples and amniotic fluid from the umbilical cord. Blood samples and PCR tests on the infant to look for the virus’s presence. Therefore, this study provides new arguments on the possibility of transmission during pregnancy, which should validate on a larger sample of patients. Thus, the scientific community remains cautious, believing that while mother-to-child transmission is possible during pregnancy, it is infrequent.

Also, the documented cases of pregnant women infected with SARS-Cov-2 mainly concern patients in their third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, it would be interesting to identify and study women infected earlier in pregnancy to assess the consequences for the mother and fetus’s health.

No More Complications during Pregnancy

Another concern: are pregnant women sick with Covid-19 at greater risk of complications?

Here again, the data are fragmentary. Studies carried out on a small sample of patients point to a higher risk of complications for the fetus. Particularly miscarriages, premature births, and intrauterine growth retardation. Symptoms reported in these women varied from one study to another. But some studies have reported acute respiratory syndromes, kidney problems, pneumonia, and sepsis occurring more frequently in this population.

Some researchers in pregnant women have also reported ventilation during the SARS-CoV epidemic.

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5 Good Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Every Year

Reasons to Visit Your Dentist

It is recommended to go to the dentist once or twice a year for a routine check-up. But many of us neglect these annual appointments. And delay their visit to the dentist for fear of pain, spending a lot of money, or lack of time.

However, even if you have no pain in your teeth or gums, it is essential to ensure your mouth’s good health to prevent potential complications.

If you’ve been delaying your visit for some time, discover these five good reasons to go to the dentist at least once a year:

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Reason #1: Detect potential Cavities

A complete examination of your teeth will allow the dentist to see any cavities and determine their depth. If you do not have cavities, you will be advised to have a new exam in a year. If your dentist tells you that you have cavities, their treatment will depend on the depth of each.

Note that the sooner a cavity is detected, the more likely it is to be well treated, and the less expensive the treatment will be. With a regular dental exam, you will avoid developing deep cavities, which can be very painful and treat you more than if you had a routine examination.

Also, untreated cavities are at significant risk of progressing to a tooth abscess, which is very painful and could cause your tooth’s loss.

Reason #2: Prevent Oral Disease

While we often think of “cavities” when we go to the dentist, a dental exam is also used to look for any other oral disease. The dentist not only examines your teeth, but he also looks at your entire mouth to detect potential abnormalities.

Thus, it inspects your gums to ensure their good health and to prevent the development of gingivitis, a disease of the gums. This way, if he detects inflammation early enough, he can proceed with scaling, and the pain will go away quickly. If the problem is lingering, however, it can lead to periodontitis and require tooth extraction.

The dentist is also able to diagnose potential oral cancer.

Reason #3: To Benefit from Cleaning and Keep Your Teeth Healthy

If a dental exam allows you to detect potential oral diseases, a hygienist’s complete cleaning can prevent their occurrence. Your dentist determines its frequency according to your teeth. It is because some people tend to build up tartar more quickly than others.

A thorough cleaning will eliminate the plaque and tartar that collects on your teeth, which brushing and flossing alone cannot remove. It helps prevent the onset of cavities but also keeps your gums healthy to prevent gingivitis.

Reason #4: Save Money

Although a dentist’s visit for a routine check-up may seem like a new expense that is not necessary. Be aware that delaying your appointment could increase your bill. The more cavities or other oral diseases progress, the more expensive the treatment will be.

Take the example of a cavity that is slow to be detected and that progresses and becomes deeper and deeper. Its treatment may then require devitalizing your tooth, having a crown fitted, or even extracting your tooth in the most advanced cases: all this representing a higher cost and generating pain that you could have avoided with the examination.

Reason #5: Get Advice on How to Care For Your Teeth

During this visit, the dentist can also take the opportunity to share valuable advice on maintaining your teeth. They can ask you questions about your eating habits and tell you about certain behaviors to avoid preserving good teeth.

Finally, he will give you a kit including the essentials: a toothbrush suitable for your teeth as well as fluoride-rich toothpaste and dental floss.

Avoid Complications with Prevention

You will understand that a regular visit to your dentist is essential if you want to take care of your teeth and maintain their overall good health.

We recommend you to go to your nearest dentist and do your check up. Hope these 5 reasons to visit you dentist helps you.

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Online Medical Advice

Online Medical Advice

Online medical advice was set up in 1987 with 3615 Ecran santé, founded by Dr. Loïc Etienne. In 2010, the decrees implementing the HPST law on telemedicine were passed.

Online medical advice is a medical practice that engages the physician who performs it. Although not an integral part of telemedicine, it is a similar exercise since it is exercised from a distance.

The public, whether patient or not, has many questions about health. These questions carry different needs: reassurance, expression of suffering, need for understanding, need for advice, advice, etc. Faced with this, the doctor who answers online cannot shy away from the often embarrassing questions asked of him. He must be very vigilant because the answers he gives in a context of a singular conference can find it on social networks or in forums where the advice it has given to a person can be generalized and extrapolated excessively. So there are risks. We, therefore, need ethical rules and support tools.

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The Questions Asked

The presence that our team of doctors has been able to ensure since 1987 behind the Minitel,then the Internet, and by telephone, has enabled us to identify a set of typical questions. Here is the list is taken from a study of 2000 messages that I carried out in 1995 and published in La Mort du Sorcier (Ed Albin Michel).

  • What to do? (19%): attitude to adopt when faced with a given symptom or situation, urgently or not.
  • Is that bad? (13%): Severity of a condition or illness?
  • Is this normal? (12%): most often compared to analysis results
  • What’s your opinion? (12%): compared to diagnosis or treatment established by a colleague.
  • Where to go, who to see? (11%): search for the best specialist or only a doctor who can solve the problem
  • What is your diagnosis? (10%): an explicit request based on a statement of symptoms and also analysis results
  • What do you advise? (10%): request for practical advice whatever the field
  • Why? (8%): ​​I need to understand a mechanism or a disorder.
  • What is the risk of…? (4%): most often faced with medication or invasive explorations
  • What’s this? (1%): request for information on an illness.

All of these questions are requests that can be grouped into a request for information (13%), a request for an opinion (37%), a request for advice (50%). Intelligence is simple information that does not require being a doctor but requires a reliable knowledge base. A doctor can only give the opinion; it commits him but does not lead to a recommendation. The advice saves even more because it results in a request and must be carried out by a doctor.

The 6 Stages Of Health Information

The search for information responds to needs which are very diverse but which can be grouped into different requests for help:

  • to the understanding of these complex worlds of medicine and health
  • to the decision
  • at evaluation
  • orientation
  • to the observance and also
  • to self-medication

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5 Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Morning in Lockdown

Yoga Poses

Need a little more energy to start your day in lockdown?

Try this 10-minute yoga sequence to balance your body and focus your mind. No yoga equipment is needed. These yoga postures, suitable for beginners, can be performed on a mat or the carpet in your living room.

Let this yoga routine wake you up with flexibility, balance, and strength so you can face the day with a peaceful mind!

Here are five yoga exercises to do at home daily to get in shape.

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The Child’s Posture

Kneel, then spread your knees apart, leaving your big toes together.

Bring your hands forward until your forehead is gently resting on the floor.

Perform in-depth, steady breaths in and out for about 3 to 5 breaths without getting distracted and focusing on your yoga practice.


Go from child pose to table pose, shoulders in line with wrists, and hips in knees.

Divide your weight equally between your hands and knees and relax your feet. Contract your abdominal muscles and lengthen your spine.

The gaze is directed towards your hands.

(Tip: If it bothers your knees, place a towel or the rolled edge of a yoga mat under the knees for extra support.)

The Cat

Press your hands to round your upper back. Do as if a string pulls the middle of your back to the ceiling.

Drop your head forward. And hug your chin to your chest, tucking your stomach in, pushing it against your spine.

The Cow

Release your stomach and lift your chest.

Without moving your hands, spread your shoulders. Lift your gaze to look forward or upward and dig your lower back.

Pull your shoulders away from the ears.

Alternate between the cat pose and the cow pose for two or three times.

The Dog Upside Down

Bring your hands forward slightly, curl your toes, and lift your hips into the downward dog pose.

Your legs can stay slightly bent, but your heels should touch the floor.

Distribute the pressure on all your fingers while pressing on the ground. At the same time, push your hips up.

Do this posture for 3 to 5 breaths.

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Best Electric Toothbrushes in 2020

Electric Toothbrushes in 2020

Probably you are looking for the holy grail of oral hygiene in this article. But there is no secret. To keep your teeth as clean and healthy as possible, everything is based on tooth brushing. If you’re lazy or have never quite gotten that master doll touch to reach all the nooks and crannies of your teeth, an electric toothbrush is the best option. They are designed to go anywhere and will save you more than one painful visit to the dentist.

Today, there are endless brands and models of electric toothbrushes, so it is easy to get lost in so much supply.

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The Best Electric Toothbrush In 2020

We have prepared this article for you with all the information you need. We have chosen the best models, and we get them in a comparison where we review their characteristics, benefits, and also opinions. Thus, at a glance, you will find the electric toothbrush that best suits your needs.

Why Use An Electric Toothbrush?

It’s essential to make it clear up front that if you don’t have a clear commitment to brushing your teeth well, it doesn’t matter how much money you spend on the best electric toothbrush. There will be a raffle for cavities and gingivitis – gum disease – and you get the winning ticket.

The Most Common Problems That Affect Oral Hygiene Are

  • Do not brush a minimum of twice a day.
  • Not brushing your teeth long enough: a minimum of two minutes at a time is recommended.
  • Limited skill, which affects brushing movement: not understanding the brushing technique well.
  • I am not focusing on cleaning each area properly.
  • Brushing too hard because it damages the gums.
  • I am using a toothpaste that does not have fluoride to protect the enamel.
  • Rinse right after brushing: you have to wait a bit; otherwise, the fluoride goes down the drain without doing its job.
  • It is not replacing your toothbrush or electric brush head often enough.
  • Do not clean between teeth with dental floss or an interdental brush.

The Ideal Electric Toothbrush 2020 For You

Once you’ve decided on the type of electric toothbrush you want, find out about the different cleaning modes available to adjust the toothbrush to your needs. To remove everyday dental plaque, a Standard method is sufficient. However, if you have sensitive gums, it may be better to opt for a Gentle approach: the brush will perform fewer movements. There is also a Pro-clean mode with increased brushing speed to clean hard-to-reach areas, a Gum Care mode to stimulate the gums, a Whiteness mode to whiten teeth, and a Tongue clean mode to treat problems.

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How To Choose The Right Length And Weight For A Necklace

Choose The Right Length And Weight For A Necklace

Of course, you can opt for necklaces in generic sizes often sold at a reasonable price in small shops in malls. Note, however, that the necklace’s length and weight should usually be considered when purchasing a new piece of jewelry, especially if you intend to invest in a timeless piece. Have you ever worn a necklace only to find out when looking in the mirror that something was wrong? It just might not have been suitable for your outfit or your body type.

Many factors go into choosing a necklace, and this short guide will help you see things more clearly.

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How To Choose The Right Necklace?

First of all, you must ask yourself when you will be wearing this necklace. 17 ” 3-row necklace in 10 kt tricolor gold Depending on the occasion, it can be longer or shorter and more or less discreet. What impact do you want it to have? Will it match a particular outfit, or do you wear it around your neck every day? You won’t wear the same type of jewelry to a wedding or a happy hour at a trendy bar.

And did you know that there are several preset sizes of necklaces? If you decide to invest in a more luxurious piece of jewelry, choose a size that suits you well and that will perfectly match your style.

How To Navigate The Lengths Of Necklaces

As its name suggests, the choker or choker necklace is worn very close to the neck, and its length varies from 30 cm to 41 cm at most. It is generally more suitable for skinny channels and people with longer faces. This length is ideal for elegant necklaces (think rows of small pearls), delicate chains, and understated pendants and embellishments. As a rule, it works well with V-necks and boat necks or clothes that allow part of the upper body. Necklaces very close to the neck often have a more seductive look. With this type of accessory, always make sure you are comfortable enough and not feeling suffocated by the collar, of course!

The princess necklace

The princess necklace, ranging from 43 to 48 cm, arrives at the collarbones and usually emphasizes the princess necklace bust since the gaze stops above the figure. This length works well with all necklines and works well with most dress styles, chic or casual. It is, therefore, a versatile collar and probably the most practical of all, honestly! Indeed, if you want to give a necklace as a gift to a woman, it will be the best choice you can make.

The matinée necklace, also called sautoir, has a length of 50 to a maximum of 61 cm. It is incredibly elegant for women with rounder faces. It’s the perfect length to wear with a turtleneck, but we also like it for showing off the bust. The long necklace can be simple or with a pendant with intricate ornaments. It lends itself well to semi-formal occasions and can be worn in the office.

The opera necklace measures 62 to 90 cm and goes down to the chest. Even going as the Copper Sparkle three-row necklace under the chest in some cases. It suits all body types, and as its name suggests, it can be worn with charm with neat clothes or for formal occasions (and not just to go to the opera, of course!). Whether classic or a bit exuberant, dare to wear it with a plunging neckline on a special occasion!

Last but not least: the long necklace, also called “rope,” displays a long chain of more than 90 cm. Versatile, this one can be worn in a single row or layered (advantageous for women with a slim waist). Thus, it is often a bit more daring, and since it is very long, it can also be worn with other chains for a very trendy layered look.

On The Side Of Men’s Necklaces

In men, one must also take into account their morphology when selecting a necklace. We must especially think about the circumference of the neck, shoulders, and torso. Depending on the case, the chain chosen will refine her style or give a touch of elegance to her neck. Ideally, for men, the ideal length for a necklace is slightly below a crew-neck sweater’s collar. Men with wider necks will benefit from opting for a thinner chain and vice versa.

Also, these gentlemen can dare the superposition of necklaces, chains, and pendants!

The Necklace As An Accessory To Enhance Your Body

Certain clothes go better to specific body types, and the same goes for necklaces. Beyond the style of the chain and your class. You should know that different lengths of necklaces can highlight parts of the body and sometimes accentuate areas that we like less. A jewel perfectly adapted to your morphology will divert the eyes towards the functions you wish to emphasize. Remember, people’s gaze usually ends where the necklace ends!

This is why it is crucial to know the concepts of necklaces lengths not to be disappointed with your purchase.

How To Choose The Weight Of The Necklace

The weight of a necklace will vary depending on its length, the number of beads and links used, Robert Lee Morris Basics Semi-Precious Round Turquoise String Necklace and Pendant, the size of the stones, and the material it is made of. Metal, precious stones, wood, pearls, synthetic materials.

It is, above all, a matter of comfort for the wearer. Some women are more sensitive to a necklace’s weight or don’t like the sensation of dragging a fetlock around their neck.

Give it a try, look at yourself in the mirror, and if the necklace looks great on you, the length is right! What will you choose ultimately? A thin chain or a trendy necklace?

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Why And How Does Stress Promote Gastric Reflux?

Gastric Reflux

For the past few weeks, you have suffered from unexplained gastric reflux. What if it was due to stress? Find out here why stress makes your life’s heartburn worse and how to get rid of it.

What Is Gastric Reflux?

Our stomach is endowed with gastric juices, acidic substances whose role is to facilitate our digestion. The esophageal sphincter, a ring of muscle fibers that acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach, is essential to prevent stomach fluid’s backflow from back up into the esophagus.

Gastroesophageal reflux is the consequence of a malfunction of this esophageal sphincter, causing part of the stomach contents to rise into the esophagus. That is to say, the duct connecting it to the esophagus—the mouth. The gastric juice then attacks the lining of the esophagus and causes burns that go up to the throat, and acid regurgitation gives a bitter taste in the mouth.

Many factors promote gastric reflux: hiatus hernia, abdominal hypertension (especially in obesity or overweight), bariatric surgery, certain medications, tobacco, caffeine, spices, alcohol. But heartburn can also be caused by stress or anxiety.

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Why And How Does Stress Promote Gastric Reflux?

When we are faced with a stressful situation, our body goes on alert to defend itself. Physiological reactions follow one another to fight the danger or flee. Once the stressful episode is dealt with, everything is back to normal, and life resumes. But if the stress becomes chronic, the body can no longer cope. He sounds the alarm bell because he feels in danger. We then see a series of recurring physical symptoms that are difficult to manage: stomach aches, intense heart palpitations, eczema, constipation, nausea, high blood pressure, but also gastric lifts.

One of the most common causes of gastric reflux is stress. Stress also weakens the esophageal wall, which then becomes much more sensitive to acidity.

Recurrent gastric reflux can lead to long-term esophagitis, which is inflammation of the esophagus. It can cause certain complications such as ulcerations, severe digestive bleeding, or cancerous lesions in 10% of cases if they are not taken care of in time.

Gastric Reflux Due To Stress

Modify your eating behavior to act on your gastric reflections due to stress

Eating well is right for your physical health, but also your mental health. In short, the better you eat, the more “zen” you will be, and the less heartburn you will have! How? ‘Or’ What? By adopting these few essential rules for good food hygiene:

  • With meals, take small bites and chew them very slowly so that your stomach produces fewer acid secretions. Nothing like it to fight your stress and pamper your digestive system!
  • Avoid spicy dishes. But I also fermented cheeses, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, and soft drinks.
  • Favor cooked vegetables and fruits, grains, nuts, and lean meats that improve transit and do not harm your stomach.
  • Do not drink with meals and eat relatively “light” to not weigh down your stomach before going to bed.

Use behavioral and cognitive therapies to stop suffering from stress and say goodbye to your permanent gastric reflux

Your gastric reflux only the consequence of stress installed for a long time and only seeks to express itself. But to eradicate these digestive disorders that damage your stomach, it would be good to start a therapy aimed at acting upstream, that is to say, on your chronic anxiety.

Base on behavioral and cognitive therapies, the TheraSerena program can help you stop being overwhelmed by your emotions and finally regain your serenity thanks to ambitious techniques to manage your stress and act on the symptoms that accompany it.

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