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Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Botox Injections


Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is the first aesthetic treatment that comes to mind for many beauty enthusiasts when wrinkles start to appear. Although botox has earned a lot of reputation over the years, there are still many misconceptions. This post explores some of the facts you didn’t know about botox treatments to help you understand its truths.

It is FDA approved

Botox injections adhere to the highest quality standards and are FDA approved. Cosmetic clinicians who administer Botox treatments are usually held to strict standards that ensure every vile is produced in sterile environments and the ingredients measured appropriately. Therefore you can be sure that the settings where botox is made have quality control. The parent company, Allergen, has consistently met FDA’s standards for drug manufacturing safety and cleanliness.

It has few risks

There is a reason why botox treatments in London are prevalent: it has few risks and side effects. The active ingredient in the injections is botulinum toxin A, a natural protein known for its muscle relaxing effect. When cosmetic doctors are injecting botox injections, they control the trace amounts depending on the specific needs of a client. A medical history examination is vital to determine the ideal dose for a client.

It doesn’t leave your face looking stiff.

One of the misconceptions about botox injections is that they leave your face looking stiff, unable to make typical facial expressions. When a qualified cosmetic clinician administers your botox, the results are natural and don’t interfere with your facial expressions.

The most important thing is for a clinician to know the ideal dosage for a client and administer it well. Therefore a certified botox provider can help you achieve the youthful look you desire without the dreaded frozen face.

It treats the muscles and not the skin.

Botox injections contain an active ingredient known as botulinum toxin type A, a muscle relaxant. It effectively treats wrinkles that appear due to overused muscles becoming stuck due to specific facial expressions. For instance, people who frequently raise their eyebrows have horizontal lines on the forehead, eventually developing into wrinkles. When a doctor injects botox injections into your face, they relax the muscles releasing any built-up tension hence a smooth appearance.

It takes a few minutes.

The best thing about botox treatment is that it only takes a few minutes; therefore, you can fit it into your busy schedule. It involves a series of injections that last no longer than 30minutes. Furthermore, botox treatment doesn’t result in side effects like swelling or redness which means that you can return to normal daily activities as if nothing happened.

It is temporary

Botox effects may be long-lasting, depending on your perception. Generally, the effect lasts up to three to four months, after which you have to get more injections. Thankfully the procedure is affordable, minimally invasive, and fast, and no recovery period is necessary.

Summing up

Botox injections are getting more prevalent as people discover the value of personal aesthetics.

Top 5 Savvy Tips For The Online Shopaholic


Top 5 Savvy Tips For The Online Shopaholic

With the convenience that online shopping brings, it’s not surprising that many people have now become online shopaholics. Thanks to the internet, shopping can now be done in the comfort of home. There’s nothing more pleasing and exciting than having parcels arrive at home and being able to unbox them. It’s like having a gift from yourself to yourself.

Even though online shopping is convenient, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to keep overspending. You can still be a smart and savvy online shopper and go for the best price available without skimping on the quality of the goods you’ve shopped for.

If you’re a certified online shopaholic (or perhaps getting there), here are some savvy tips you may want to apply when shopping.

1. Shop Around For Discounts And Deals

Before you shop and add to cart, it pays to take the time to visit and browse various websites first to know which one offers the best discounts, deals, coupons, and promo codes that you can use. For example, you can start by browsing sites like Tuttle Twins coupon or I Like Sales to know any upcoming sales and special deals.

Don’t buy anything online for full price if you know that soon enough, a sale will come anyway. It’s always worth waiting for a sale season to come. Also, don’t rush the online shopping process. Search through the sale tab, as you may even find clearance items that are on sale for as much as 70 to 80% off.

2. Always Shop From Known Merchants

One of the risks that come with online shopping is safety and legitimacy. This risk is higher if you’re shopping from brands you haven’t heard of before. If you want to try out new brands, take the time to search more about the brand’s reputation and look for reviews. That way, you can be certain that the brand sells quality items and are actually reliable to transact with.

A savvy online shopaholic would shop only from known merchants. These are those websites that already have an established name in the industry. Not only are you certain that you’re getting good quality products, but you’re also sure you aren’t putting your confidential information like your address and credit card information on websites that turn out to be scams.

3. Shop From Social Media Sites And The Marketplace

Have you tried shopping from Facebook Marketplace? If you haven’t, you’ll find it to be a good opportunity to score good deals on various items you’re looking for. The Facebook Marketplace has all sorts of items like food, vegetables, clothing, shoes, jewelry, bags, shoes, household items, baby goods, and furniture—all ranging from cheap, secondhand options to even luxury goods for a lower price.

Many items on the Facebook Marketplace are more affordable, as many sellers are simply looking to dispose of old and unused things. Aside from that, you can check out the items personally since Facebook Marketplace only shows sellers who are near your area. There’s no shame in buying thrift or secondhand items, as many of those things can be as good as brand-new items, but not as expensive.

4. Opt For Cash On Delivery (COD) As A Payment Option

Portrait of a young woman doing shopping online
Portrait of a young woman doing shopping online and holding credit card in her mouth while sitting in the living room at home

A savvy shopper is one who pays in cash as much as possible. The danger with shopping online and paying with your credit card is that you may fall into that dangerous habit of over-spending. To avoid that from happening, whenever a COD payment option is available, choose that payment option instead. Not only does this ensure you won’t put yourself on a cycle of debt but it also keeps your credit card information safe.

5. Always Double Check The Shipping Terms

Product package boxes and shopping bag in cart with laptop computer which web store shop on screen for online shopping and delivery concept
Product package boxes and shopping bag in cart with laptop computer which web store shop on screen for online shopping and delivery concept

If you time your online shopping purchases strategically, you may be able to have free shipping vouchers even without meeting a particular store’s minimum amount purchased requirement. It’s never worth paying expensive shipping fees, especially when you know there are other shipping companies that have cheaper shipping costs. As an online shopaholic, you must know your way around local shippers and fees.


With the tips above, you’re now more ready to become a savvy online shopaholic. Being labeled a shopaholic doesn’t necessarily mean a negative thing, for as long as you’re still living within your means. That’s where ‘savvy’ comes in. A shopaholic can still make the most out of deals to ensure they’re stretching out the worth of their dollar even more. Most importantly, a savvy online shopaholic is a smart shopper who isn’t shy to take advantage of whatever sales, promos, and discounts are available.

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Consider These Tips Before Choosing a Marijuana Strain For Yourself


Tips Before Choosing a Marijuana Strain For Yourself

Cannabis use is skyrocketing. All thanks to the growing popularity of the “Mary Jane” amongst everyone. As per Forbes, the global cannabis industry will hit $31 billion by the end of this year. Undoubtedly, the industry is booming because of the versatility associated with the herb.

Plus, with the growing research evidence showing its potential as an alternative to managing several conditions like chronic pain, epilepsy, and anxiety, the industry won’t be slowing anytime soon.

But if you are a beginner and want to enjoy the multitude of benefits this herb offers, you need to know the art of choosing the right strain for yourself. This article will give you all the nitty-gritty details about selecting the right marijuana strains.

Let’s begin!

First Things First, Know About The Type of Strains

You will be aware by now that there are primarily two cannabinoids, CBD & THC, that produce the most effects. So, experts created the categories based on the amount or proportion of CBD and THC in the plant. Thus, classifying them into broadly three categories⸺Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. Keep scrolling and learn about a few things about these categories.

  • Indica: They are primarily famous for their sedating and relaxing effects. These strains often produce a full-body high. This herb has tout and broad leaves. They have higher levels of CBD as compared to THC. These strains are pretty helpful for anxiety or insomnia issues. Experts confirm that they deliver the best effects at night.
  • Sativa: These strains provide a cerebral high along with energizing and uplifting effects. They have narrow leaves. With their higher levels of THC content as compared to CBD, they are pretty helpful to reduce fatigue and help with mood disorders or depression. According to various studies, you must use these strains preferably during the daytime.
  • Hybrid: These are like the best of both worlds. They usually contain similar amounts of both cannabinoids.

Once you get a hold of this information, the next step is to research specific strains.

Research is The Key to Finding an Ideal Strain

You need to understand the composition of specific strains. This will help you determine what type of strain will produce the effects you desire. For instance, when buying your suitable strain from dispensaries like mmj express, you can check the strain name and study the effects produced by that specific strain.

But before buying the strain, make sure to learn about your tolerance levels. It usually depends on the factors like sex, body mass index, and product potency. This is why experts recommend CBD dominant strains for beginners. Also, you must start low and then gradually increase your dosage.

Make sure to keep a record of your experiences when trying different strains. This will help you choose a suitable strain for yourself in a much better way.

Wrapping up

Besides all the factors mentioned above, choosing a reliable dispensary is the single most crucial factor. Doing so will help you get access to high-quality and lab-tested products. After all, you can’t play with your health by going for low-grade strains, right?

Advantages Of Vibration Therapy

Advantages Of Vibration Therapy

Hospitals, beauty centers, physiotherapy clinics, and medical centers are vibratory platforms. They represent a revolution in the world of medicine. They can be used for therapeutic purposes by people of all ages, athletes, people undergoing rehabilitation or only anyone who wants to get in shape.

And is it the use of a vibratory platform? It can have very satisfactory health results in general; nevertheless, it is crucial to understand its operation, in which cases its use is recommended and which is not the case.

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The Vibrating Platform Is Particularly Suitable For

Athletes: why? Improves performance, muscle movement, stabilization of joints, and also ligaments.

Women after childbirth: in the postpartum, they strengthen and tone the abdomen and also pelvic floor.

People over 60: Helps with bone density (prevents osteoporosis), blood circulation, muscle stimulation, and balance.

[People] who need postoperative rehabilitation and want to regain lost muscle tone.

People with lower back or joint pain.

What Are The Advantages Of Using The Vibration Platform?

The Vibration Platform is activates blood circulation.

The increased circulation promoted by the vibratory platform helps nourish muscles and also solve circulatory problems, among others.

The vibrations increase muscle flexibility. It results in more excellent joint elasticity, relieving muscle contractures that cause pain and discomfort.

Thanks to the vibratory platform, the tendons relax.

Improve coordination, how? By vibration stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system structures that govern the control of movement. It also improves response and a sense of balance, which is very useful for athletes who need these skills in their discipline or for patients who need rehabilitation to regain their movement skills.

It produces a feeling of intense well-being because it reduces stress and regulates hormones.

Burn fat. With the vibratory platform, the basal metabolism increases to a higher level, which improves the burning of localized fat if the aerobic activity is then exercised.

It puts the heart to work as if the patient was walking, running, or performing a workout.

Through this method, almost 100% of all muscle groups’ fibers can activate, unlike conventional training, which stimulates 40% of muscle fibers, and electrostimulation, which produces 70% of muscle fibers.

In Which Cases Is The Use Of The Vibrating Platform Not Indicated?

  • Pregnant
  • Acute deep vein thrombosis
  • Cardiovascular illnesses
  • Implantable automatic pacemakers and defibrillators
  • Recent injuries or surgeries
  • Severe diabetic neuropathy
  • Epilepsy
  • Recent infections
  • Severe migraine
  • Recent implantation of nails or metal plates
  • Cancer or tumors
  • Hip and knee prosthesis
  • Joint implants and also
  • Pulmonary embolism

Vibration Platform At Novamedicum

At Novamedicum, we work with Compex’s WINPLATE Vibratory platform, the first on the market to obtain medical certification and whose primary function is to increase muscle strength in a short time, thus allowing the result to be obtained faster wish.

Vibration can be an exciting and useful treatment technique but be careful; always use it under the supervision of a physiotherapist or highly trained personnel.

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Take Care Of The Health Of Your Family


Take Care Of The Health Of Your Family

In today’s fast-paced world, where responsibilities and demands often take center stage, it’s crucial not to overlook one of the most valuable aspects of our lives: the health and well-being of our family. Our family members are our closest companions, support system, and the ones we cherish most. Just as they stand by us through thick and thin, it’s our responsibility to ensure their health remains a top priority.

In this journey of life, where we navigate challenges and celebrate joy together, taking care of our family’s health becomes an essential commitment. By proactively addressing their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, we contribute to their quality of life and strengthen the bonds that hold us together. In this discussion, we’ll explore the various ways to protect the health of our loved ones, fostering a harmonious and thriving family unit. After all, a healthy family is a happy family, and it’s a journey we should embark upon with unwavering dedication.

We have spoken of his important work on many occasions. This time around, we want to focus on caring for your own families (and all families in general) with these tips and advice we’ve collected on family care and health:

Pay Special Attention To Food

Pay Special Attention To Food

  • Include fruits and vegetables to have a balanced diet and to reinforce the general state of health. In the children’s case, it may not be easy. But the great variety of fruits that we find throughout the year in the market and the different possibilities of preparing it will help us.
  • Do not abuse battered or breaded products, avoid industrial pastries, and cook more on the grill and in the oven, where food is cooked with its own juice or vegetables. Dinners should be light to promote good sleep and avoid being overweight.


sport can also be with the family! Swimming, hiking, cycling, skating, etc. Regular exercise of exercise helps maintain a good general state of health for parents and moderately initiates sport in childhood. It helps to control weight, improves the quality of sleep, practicing it as a team increases their self-esteem, and through the sport, they will learn values ​​derived from rewards thanks to their effort.

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Promote Conversation

start transcendental conversations with the family, ask them how they are, interest in their feelings, their day today, and tell them about ours; make sure they feel good so that you can offer them your help when something goes wrong. A good time to do it can be lunch or dinner when the family gets together and avoids reproaches.

Discover Stories To Children Through Reading

Discover Stories To Children Through Reading

Parents’ selection of books, or their interest in reading. Can determine that a child is more or less attracted to a task. Knowing their tastes and making it easier for them to look at them will make them love books, on paper or digital, that they interested in the world of fantasy and creativity, an inexhaustible source of possibilities in the world of work.


protect those we love the most; it is advisable to have medical insurance appropriate to each family’s needs and your own and allow you to reconcile your family by reducing waiting times for medical consultations or tests. Suppose there are small children in the family. In that case, it is interesting to seek. For example, that they offer you a pediatric medical line 24 hours a day every day of the year or a personal medical advisor for any questions or that includes prevention plans.

It is also necessary to bear in mind that health care products are offered exclusively for registered Property Administrators that guarantee medical, surgical, and hospital assistance.

Being well protected with health insurance is also a way to protect your family from what may happen to you.

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The Complete Guide to Tentex Forte



So, you heard about Tentex Forte and want to know what all the hype is about? This little blue pill has become quite popular as a natural remedy for improving male sexual health and performance. Before you rush off to get a prescription, it’s a good idea to understand what Tentex Forte is, how it works, the proper dosage, potential side effects, and whether it is correct.

This article will give you the complete lowdown on Tentex Forte so you can decide whether to add it to your wellness routine. We all review what those little blue pills are, how they boost libido and sexual function, how much to take and when, possible side effects to watch out for, and other options. By the end of this guide, you have all the details you need about Tentex Forte and be ready to bring your bedroom performance to the next level.

What is Tentex Forte?

What is Tentex Forte_Tentex Forte is a Himalaya herbal supplement to improve male sexual performance and treat erectile dysfunction. The main ingredient in Tentex Forte is Ashwagandha, an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha helps reduce stress and anxiety, boost testosterone levels, and increase blood flow to the pelvic region, enhancing libido and improving erection quality.

Tentex Forte comes in capsule form, and the suggested dose is 1-2 capsules twice a day with milk or water. For the best results, take Tentex Forte about an hour before any sexual activity. The effects tend to last for 4 to 6 hours. It does not cause drowsiness or impaired physical performance. However, as with any supplement, side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, and headaches.

How Does Tentex Forte Work?

  1. It helps reduce anxiety and stress. Anxiety is a significant cause of erectile dysfunction and low libido. Ashwagandha in Tentex Forte helps calm the mind and body, alleviating performance anxiety and worry.
  2. It boosts testosterone. Ashwagandha has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men, which regulates libido and erection quality.
  3. It improves blood flow. Tentex Forte helps dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penis. It makes it easier to get and maintain an erection.
  4. It enhances arousal. Tentex Forte helps stimulate the libido centers in the brain, making you more receptive to sexual arousal and physical stimulation.

Tentex Forte, when taken as directed, is considered very safe for most men and can effectively improve erection quality and sex drive. However, it would help to always talk to your doctor before taking any supplement to ensure it’s right for you based on your medical history and current medications.

The Uses and Health Benefits of Tentex Forte

It is an ayurvedic supplement used to improve libido and sexual performance in men. If you have been feeling a lack of desire lately or having trouble performing, Tentex Forte may help get you back on track.

One of the primary benefits of Tentex Forte is that it enhances libido and arousal. Natural ingredients like ashwagandha, shilajit, and saved musli work together to boost testosterone, increase blood flow, and stimulate arousal centers in the brain. Many men report having an increased sex drive and finding sex more pleasurable and satisfying after using it

It also helps improve erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis. The herbs act as natural vasodilators, relaxing blood vessels and allowing more oxygen-rich blood to circulate. It makes it easier to reach and maintain an erection during sexual activity. For men with mild to moderate ED, it can be very effective at providing relief from symptoms.

Other potential benefits of Tentex Forte include:

  • It increased sperm count and mobility. The supplement may enhance fertility and reproductive health.
  • It reduced stress and anxiety. Herbs like ashwagandha have adaptogenic properties that help lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation.
  • Better sleep. Several herbs in Tentex Forte have mild sedative effects that help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.
  • It improved energy and stamina. Ingredients like shilajit provide antioxidants and minerals that boost vitality and physical performance.

So if you want to reignite your passion, improve your performance, and experience sex as you did in your youth, consider giving Tentex Forte a try. When taken regularly and as directed, it may just be the supplement to restore confidence in the bedroom.

The Recommended Dosage of Tentex Forte

The typical dosage of Tentex Forte is one tablet twice a day with milk or as suggest by your physician. The dose may double twice daily based on your medical condition and response to treatment. However, the maximum recommended dosage is four capsules per day.

it should be taken regularly to get the most benefit. Please don’t stop taking it without talking to your doctor. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. But if it’s almost time for your next dose, leave the missed dose and continue with your daily schedule.

Never take a double dose to make up for a missed one. Doubling up on doses can increase your risk of side effects. It is usually taken for 2 to 3 months for best results. But your doctor will determine the treatment duration based on your condition.

Some crucial points to keep in mind regarding the dosage:

  • Always follow your doctor’s dosage instructions carefully. Don’t take it in more significant amounts or for longer than prescribed.
  • Take Tentex Forte at the same time every day with a full glass of water. It will help ensure steady blood levels of the medication and maximum effectiveness.
  • It can be taken with or without food. However, taking it with food may help reduce stomach upset.
  • Do not crush, chew, or break the Tentex Forte capsule. Swallow it whole.
  • If you have kidney disease, your doctor may start you on a lower dosage. The dosage may be increased slowly to find the optimal level for you.
  • The dose must be adjusted in elderly patients and those with severe liver or kidney dysfunction. Close monitoring is required in these cases.
  • Discontinue Tentex Forte slowly under medical guidance. Abruptly stopping the capsules may lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Possible Side Effects and Precautions When Taking Tentex Forte

It is generally well tolerated, but some side effects may occur. Be aware of the following potential side effects and take precautions to minimize them.

Stomach upset

It can irritate your stomach, causing nausea, diarrhea, or indigestion. Take tablets with food and plenty of water to minimize stomach irritation. If problems persist or are severe, talk to your doctor about alternative medications or dosages.


Some people experience headaches when first starting Tentex forte or increasing the dosage. Headaches are usually temporary but can be managed by drinking plenty of water, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, and using over-the-counter pain relievers if needed. See your doctor if headaches are frequent or severe.


It may cause difficulty sleeping in some individuals, especially if taken late in the evening. Take the medication earlier, preferably with breakfast or lunch, to avoid potential insomnia and sleep disruptions.


A small percentage of people report a temporary increase in heart rate or heart palpitations when taking Tentex forte. This side effect seems dose-dependent, so lowering the dosage may help alleviate vibrations. See your doctor right away if you experience severe or prolonged heart palpitations.

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction to Tentex forte, though rare, can cause rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Take medical help immediately if you experience signs of an allergic reaction.

To minimize side effects and risks, carefully follow the dosage recommended by your doctor. Do not increase or double your dose without consulting your doctor first. Also, tell your doctor about any other medications or supplements you are currently taking to avoid potential interactions. Following usage instructions and taking recommended precautions can be used safely and effectively for erectile dysfunction. However, if side effects become bothersome or severe, talk to your doctor about alternate treatment options.


So there you have it, the complete lowdown on Tentex Forte. As you’ve learned, this popular Ayurvedic supplement can help boost your libido and sexual performance when taken as directed. The all-natural ingredients like ashwagandha and shilajit are meant to increase energy, stamina, and arousal for both men and women without any severe side effects for most people.

It works well for many, you know your body best. If you experience any unwanted side effects after trying it or don’t get the results you want, talk to your doctor about further options. But if you’re looking for herbal support for your sex life and overall vitality, Tentex Forte could be worth a shot. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and passionate love life.

Complete Guide to Co-Codamol 30mg/500mg دواء Dosage for Pain Relief


Co-codamol 30mg/500mg دواء dosage – It is a very common medicine prescribed for pain relief and can be bought over the counter at many pharmacies. It has three diverse strengths, with the lowest strength available at pharmacies such as Wildrex Pharmacy. In comparison, the two higher powers are general only when prescribed to you.

However, before taking any medication, it is a good idea to understand what it is, why it is used, and its side effects. In this blog, we will learn about co-codamol so you can understand what the drug does and how to use it safely.

What is co-codamol?

What is co-codamol


Co-codamol contains two painkiller ingredients paracetamol and codeine. It is given to relieve short-term painful conditions where paracetamol alone is insufficient. There are three different strengths of co-codamol, one of which can be bought from a pharmacies without a prescription.

The three different strengths contain the same amount of paracetamol (500mg), but the amount of codeine varies, determining the preparation’s strength. Therefore, there are three main strengths of tablets: 8mg/500mg, 15mg/500mg, and 30mg/500mg, where the first number relates to the amount of codeine in the tablet and the second to the amount of paracetamol present.

What is co-codamol use for?

Co-codamol is often use to treat moderate aches and pains, including muscle aches, migraines, toothaches, and headaches. The medicine comes in a capsule or tablet that should be swallow whole with water. It can be taken with or without food.

Adults over 18 should take 2 co-codamol tablets of any strength up to 4 times in 24 hours. Always give upto 4 hours between each dose; the maximum is 8 co-codamol tablets. Taking too much co-codamol can be very dangerous, so it is essential that you leave a gap between your doses and do not increase your dose, even if you are in a lot of pain. Co-codamol is generally not recommend to be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

What does co-codamol do?

What does co-codamol do_

Because co-codamol combines two ingredients that provide pain relief, it works in two ways to deal with pain. Paracetamol blocks chemical messengers in the brain that tell us when we are in pain. It also reduces fever by affecting chemical messengers in the area of the brain that controls body temperature. Codeine affects pain receptors in the central nervous system and brain to block pain signals to the rest of the body.

How to take co-codamol?

Before you start treatment, read the manufacturer’s information inside the pack. It will give you more info about co-codamol and provide a complete list of its side effects.

Take co-codamol accurately as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. The normal dose for adults is 1 tablet every 4-6 hours or 2 capsules if needed. Remember to give at least four hours between doses and never take more than two tablets or capsules or more than eight tablets or capsules at one time in any 24 hours. This maximum recommended dose for all strengths of co-codamol is due to the paracetamol content of the tablets/capsules.

You can take co-codamol before or after a meal, but taking your dose after a meal may help prevent the sick feeling that can occur with some amounts.

If you cannot remember to take a dose, take it the next time you need pain relief and then continue as before, taking your dose every four to six hours if needed. Do not take two doses simultaneously to make up for the forgotten dose.

Co-Codamol 30mg/500mg دواء Dosage for Adults and Children

About co-codamol for children

  • Co-codamol is a combination of two different types of painkillers – paracetamol and codeine.
  • It treats aches and pains like headaches, migraine, muscle pain, and toothache.
  • Children aged 12 to 15 can take co-codamol, but only if daily painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, don’t work independently.
  • Do not give co-codamol to children younger than 12 years old.
  • This medicine arises in the form of tablets and capsules.
  • For adults and children over 16, please read our information on co-codamol for adults.

About co-codamol for adults

  • Co-codamol is a combination of two different types of painkillers – paracetamol and codeine. It treats aches and pains, including headaches, muscle pain, migraine, and toothache.
  • It may be worth taking co-codamol if everyday painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen, or paracetamol don’t work independently.
  • This medicine comes in the form of tablets and capsules.
  • For children under 16, please read our information about co-codamol for children.

What are the side effects of co-codamol?

What are the side effects of co-codamol_

Taking too much co-codamol can be incredibly harmful to the body, as the paracetamol component can damage the liver if taken in very high doses. In addition, the codeine component of co-codamol can also become addictive if taken continuously for too long.

Common side effects of co-codamol include constipation, sleepiness, headache, or feeling sick/vomiting. Codeine blocks pain receptors in the central nervous system, which can stimulate slow, shallow breathing. It can also low down digestion, which is why codeine can reason constipation as a common side effect.

More severe side effects include skin rash, difficulty urinating, vision changes, and dizziness. If you experience any severe side effects, contact your doctor immediately.

Can I Take Co-Codamol 30mg/500mg When Pregnant?

Co-codamol contains Paracetamol and Codeine. Taking paracetamol during pregnancy is consider safe, although codeine may affect your baby, particularly towards the end of pregnancy.

Your baby may become addicted to codeine and may experience withdrawal symptoms at birth. In addition, there is a slightly higher risk of your baby having breathing problems. These are usually temporary, but your child may need more monitoring.

For these reasons, the use of co-codamol is generally not recommended. However, if you have pain that requires more vital pain relief than paracetamol, speak to your doctor. They may prescribe co-codamol if they think this is your best option.


This medication contains an opioid pain reliever (codeine). There is a significant risk of addiction when taking this drug, mainly if it is use for a long time. The MHRA has issue new guidance for people who are prescribe opioid painkillers. If you have questions about taking opioids safely, please talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

If you have taken co-codamol from a medical agency, you should not take it for more than two days in a row. If you still have pain after this time, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

What is Body Dysmorphia – Types, Causes, and More


What is Body Dysmorphia?

Body dysmorphia, also called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), is a mental health disorder that primes to distress over your appearance. You may think certain parts of your body are defects. Other people may be unable to see what you perceive as flaws. As a result, you may have psychological distress that can interrupt your everyday life.

It is related to an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) but is often misdiagnosed. If you have it, you may need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions), like checking a mirror or avoiding one.

Body dysmorphia can affect anyone. It usually begins during the teen years or early adulthood. In the U.S., it affects about 2.4% of adults – slightly more people assigned female at birth than people assigned male at birth.

Types of Body Dysmorphia

Muscle Dysmorphia

Muscle DysmorphiaIf you don’t think your body is big enough or muscular enough. You may exercise a lot, count calories, wear more clothes to appear bulkier, strictly monitor your diet, or have a rigid eating schedule. It’s sometimes called “bigorexia” or “reverse anorexia.” It can overlap with an eating disorder, but it’s not always an eating disorder.

Body Dysmorphia By Proxy

You may be hyper-focused on what you think are flaws in another person’s appearance – it can be someone you know or a stranger. It causes distress and affects how you function. You may perform repetitive behaviors to ease your anxiety or feelings of guilt.

Causes of Body Dysmorphia

Experts don’t know the exact cause of body dysmorphia. There are a lot of possible factors.

One theory suggests a problem with the size or functioning of specific brain areas that method information about body appearance. The fact that body dysmorphia often arises in people with other mental health disorders, such as foremost depression and anxiety, further supports a biological basis for the disease. Genes can undoubtedly be a cause, experts say.

Other things that might influence the development of or trigger BDD include:

  • Traumatic events or emotional conflict during childhood, like bullying
  • Low self-esteem
  • Parents and others who were severe of the person’s appearance

Body Dysmorphia Symptoms

Some of the warning signs that a person may have body dysmorphia include:

  • Engaging in repetitive and time-consuming behaviors, such as looking in a mirror (or avoiding one), picking at the skin, and trying to hide or cover up the perceived defect
  • Comparing your body part to others
  • Constantly asking for reassurance that the fault is not visible or too obvious
  • Not believing others when they say you look fine
  • Repeatedly measuring or touching the body part
  • Having problems at work, in school, or in relationships due to the inability to stop focusing on the perceived defect
  • Feeling self-conscious and not good enough to go out in public or feeling anxious around others
  • Seeking out plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance
  • Not being satisfied with attempts to improve the appearance

Body Dysmorphia Diagnosis

The secrecy and shame that you may have can make it hard to get diagnosed – or diagnosed accurately. Most experts agree that many cases of body dysmorphia go unrecognized. You may be embarrassed and reluctant to tell your doctor or therapist about your concerns or behaviors. As an effect, the disorder can go unnoticed for years or never be diagnosed.

Sometimes, you can be misdiagnosed with depression, OCD, anxiety, or an eating disorder. For example, If you cut or pluck your hair to improve your appearance, you may be misdiagnosed with trichotillomania. It can also be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or psychotic depression.

To diagnose body dysmorphia, the doctor will likely ask about your medical history and make a physical exam. If the doctor suspects it, they might refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist – health care specialists specially trained to diagnose and treat it.

Body Dysmorphia Treatment

Treatment for body dysmorphia likely will include a combination of the following therapies:


This kind of individual counseling focuses on changing the thoughtful (cognitive therapy) and behavior (behavioral therapy) to support you better. Often, therapists turn to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) because it helps you recognize negative thoughts and learn to think more supportively about yourself. Counseling can also be in a group format and include others with body dysmorphia. It can also have family members or loved ones.


These antidepressant medications, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are showing the ability to treat body dysmorphia., They work better than other antidepressants, research shows. Antipsychotic remedies such as aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa), or pimozide (Orap) (either alone or in a group with an SSRI) can also help. No drug is formally FDA-approved to treat body dysmorphia, specifically. All 50% to 80% of people on medication have fewer or less severe symptoms. They’re less likely to relapse if symptoms return.


It can be a good choice if you’re in immediate danger of self-harm or overwhelmed with symptoms.

You may think cosmetic surgery or procedures can help, but that’s not necessarily true. It can often trigger symptoms, make them worse, or cause you to focus on another area of your body.


Body dysmorphia is a mental health disorder that disrupts how you see and feel about your body and appearance. People commonly experience negative thoughts and feelings about their appearance, which can cause severe disruption in their lives and damage their mental and physical health.

How Mobile Phone Use in Bed is Harming Your Sleep and Heart



So you like to scroll through social media or watch videos on your mobile phone in bed before dozing off? You’re not alone. Most of us have a hard time putting our devices away at night. But here’s the truth your pre-sleep phone use could wreck your sleep and harm your heart. New research shows the light from our phones and tablets suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. And for every hour of screen time before bed, you have a 23% higher risk of heart disease. The good news is making some simple changes to your nighttime schedule can help you sleep better and boost your heart health. Here are a few easy ways to break up with your phone at bedtime and develop a calming pre-sleep routine. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

How Phone Use Before Bed Disrupts Your Sleep Cycle

How Phone Use Before Bed Disrupts Your Sleep CycleSmartphones make our lives easier and more productive, entertain us, and provide information. But the smartphone era has made us feel like we can never log off, even when sleeping. That can harm your health, and here’s why.

The blue light from your screen overwhelms melatonin production, the hormone that makes you sleepy. So even though you’re tired, your body thinks it’s daytime. Researchers found people who use electronics right before bed take longer to fall asleep, sleep less, and feel less rested the next day.

Scrolling social media or playing games in bed also activates your mind and body, making it harder to unwind. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your muscles tense up, and your mind starts racing. This stress and stimulation continue even after you put your phone down, making it challenging to relax into sleep.

Using your phone in bed trains your brain to associate your bed with wakefulness and stimulation rather than sleep. Over time, this can lead to chronic insomnia and restlessness at night. The solution is to turn off the phone 1 hour before bed and keep them out of the bedroom.

Your phone addiction could also be damaging your heart. A study found that people who use multiple electronic devices simultaneously have higher blood pressure and heart rates, even while resting. Another found a link between heavy social media use and the risk of heart disease. The constant stress and distraction take a toll on your cardiovascular system.

Put the phone away, turn out the lights, and give your body and mind the rest they need. Your sleep, health, and relations will thank you. Sweet dreams.

The Surprising Link Between Screen Time and Heart Health

We all do it – scroll through social media or play games on our phones in bed. But did you know this habit could harm your sleep and heart health?

According to research, exposure to the blue light emitted from screens before bed disrupts your circadian rhythm. Your body needs to wind down for sleep, but that burst of blue light tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime. The result? Trouble falling asleep and decreased sleep quality.

Lack of sleep doesn’t just make you feel groggy. It also puts extra stress on your heart. Studies show that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other cardiovascular problems.

The fix is simple. Avoid looking at bright screens 1-2 hours before bed. Do light reading, take a warm bath, or listen to calming music. You’ll fall asleep earlier and sleep more soundly. And your heart will thank you.

Establishing a regular bedtime routine and limiting screen time at night can significantly benefit your sleep schedule and heart health. Make this small change, and you’ll be well on your way to improved well-being and a happier, healthier you.

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Phone Use at Night

Simple changes to your nighttime routine can help reduce your phone use and improve your sleep. Try these tips:

Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Stop looking at bright screens from phones and tablets at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light they release suppresses melatonin production and makes it harder to fall asleep. Find an alternative relaxing routine like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or stretching.

Keep Your Phone Outside The Bedroom

The temptation to see your phone in the middle of the night is too great if it’s within arm’s reach. Place your phone in another room to avoid mindlessly checking it if you wake up during the night. An alarm clock can replace your phone to wake you up in the morning.

Turn On Do Not Disturb Mode

If keeping your phone out of the bedroom isn’t possible, at least turn on do not disturb mode to silence notifications and calls at night. On iPhones, you can set a schedule for do not disturb to turn on and off automatically. Android phones have a similar feature called Bedtime mode.

Simple changes to limit blue light exposure, keep your phone out of reach, and enable do not disturb features can significantly benefit your sleep and heart health. Establishing a calming bedtime routine and avoiding screens and phones around bedtime will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Sweet dreams!


So there you have it, the cold hard facts on how your phone habits at night are messing with your sleep and heart health. The science doesn’t lie, even if we want to make excuses for why we need to check that one last email or scroll through a few more photos before bed. Your sleep and heart will thank you if you make a change. Power down at least an hour before bed, keep your phone out of the bedroom, and try reading an actual book instead. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine free of blue light and screen time is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. You might even rediscover your creativity and imagination in the process. So please do yourself a favor and unplug at night. Your health and happiness depend on it.

Neurobion Forte Tablet Benefits in Hindi



Neurobion Forte Tablet Benefits in Hindi – Neurobion Forte is a multivitamin tablet that contains Vitamin B. It is prescribed for the treatment of vitamin B deficiency. Neurobion Forte strengthens your immune system while boosting your energy levels. Do not take it if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicine. Neurobion Forte Tablet should be taken as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist.

To develop body parts, we need fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins; we get all these elements from food. Still, when the digestion of food is not done correctly, our body lacks nutritious features. It happens. In such a situation, the vitamin tablet available in the market benefits us.

Neurobian Forte is also a power-enhancing tablet that gives us many vitamins. Especially by consuming it, we get Vitamin B complex. Therefore, if the doctor or any person has asked you to take Vitamin B complex, you can finish it.

Neurobion Forte Tablet Benefits In Hindi

Neurobion Forte Tablet BenefitsNow we will know what the benefits of Neurobion Forte Tablet are. This tablet removes not only one but many types of problems. That is why if you want to use this tablet, you should consult a doctor and consume it as he tells you to take it. Mainly Neurobion Forte Tablet is used for the below-mentioned diseases or problems.

  • It can be used to relieve pain in the muscles of the body.
  • If there is some defect in the nervous system, it can be used to correct it.
  • It can also be tried for some common mental problems.
  • The doctor also gives it for some common skin-related problems.
  • It also removes the problem of joint pain.
  • Physical weakness can also be removed through this tablet.
  • It is used to strengthen the digestive system.
  • It can be taken to tighten the immunity of the body.
  • It can be taken when vitamins are deficient in the body.

Neurobin Special Potency Dosage Per Day

If Neurobion Forte Tablet is prescribed to a person by a doctor, then the doctor prescribes this tablet keeping in view the age, weight, gender, and health of the patient.

It would help if you consumed it the same way the doctor told you to finish it. It would help if you did not destroy it at will. You should if the doctor tells you to drink it for a long time. It would help if you did not take Neurobion Forte Tablet for a long time on your own. Otherwise, you may develop allergies or have side effects from Neurobion Tablet. If you want to use any other medicine with this tablet, you must ask the doctor and do as he says.

Neurobion Forte Tablet Uses

  • Neurobion Forte Tablet is used to treat Vitamin B deficiency.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet is used for a solid immune system and increased energy levels.
  • As a supplement when the body requires vitamins, such as during nutritional deficiencies, after surgery, during pregnancy, and lactation, Neurobion Forte Tablet is used.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet treats Vitamin B-complex deficiency and maintains healthy levels of the vitamin.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet supports the overall health of bones, joints, and cartilage, making it helpful in treating arthritis.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet effectively gets rid of mouth ulcers.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet helps in reducing neuropathic pain.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet helps in reducing the effects of depression.
  • Neurobion Forte Tablet helps maintain the levels of all essential nutrients in the body.

Neurobion Forte Side Effects

Now we will know what the side effects of Neurobion Forte Tablet are.

If a person consumes this medicine under the supervision of a doctor, then he hardly sees any side effects. A person starts taking this medicine alone; he may see some side effects below.

If you have any side effects of this medicine, then you should stop this medicine immediately and consult a doctor. If a person consumes this medicine under the supervision of a doctor, then he hardly sees any side effects. A person starts taking this medicine alone; he may see some side effects below. You have any side effects of this medicine, then you should stop this medicine immediately and consult a doctor.

  • One may face constipation as a side effect of the medicine.
  • He may have vomiting or other stomach-related problems.
  • Sometimes swelling also occurs in the body.
  • There is also difficulty in breathing.
  • It makes a person want to urinate frequently.
  • Allergy or irritation occurs in the skin.
  • The light of the eyes becomes light.
  • There is also a burning sensation in the chest.
  • Laziness comes more to the person.
  • His appetite decreases.
  • I don’t feel like doing any work.

Frequently Asked Question

What is Neurobion Forte used for?

Neurobion Forte is a supplement used to prevent and treat deficiency of B vitamins. However, its creators also recommend it. Improving the health of the nervous system. Boosting the immune system

Is it safe to use Neurobion?

People considering including B vitamins in their diet should consult their doctor first. Neurobion is a generally safe supplement that delivers an easy way to get vitamin B.

When should I take Neurobion Forte Tablet?

Neurobion Forte Tablet would be taken as directed by your doctor, preferably after food. You should never exceed the suggested daily vitamin or mineral supplements dose.

How is Neurobion injection given?

Neurobion is given via intramuscular injection. In severe cases, one ampoule is offered daily until the acute symptoms subside. For maintenance therapy, 2-3 ampoules are directed once a week. In milder conditions, this dosage is sufficient from the start.