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3 Tips for Managing Hearing Loss

Many people assume hearing loss is an effect of aging and is confined to the older population. However, according to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 13% of people in the United States aged 12 years or older have hearing loss in both ears.

This can make everyday interactions and conversations more challenging, and can also affect a person’s self confidence. Fortunately, with advances in technology such as implants and modern and discreet hearing aids, it is now more possible than before to live a full and healthy life with hearing loss. In this article, we will provide some helpful tips for managing hearing loss.

Avoid Excessive Noise

Hearing loss is often the result of exposure to excessively loud noise. Common causes of noise-induced hearing loss include loud music, power tools and explosions from firecrackers or gunshots. It is important to protect your ears by avoiding situations that will expose you to loud noises, where possible, and use hearing protection such as ear muffs and ear plugs to prevent further damage to your ability to hear. Below are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the volume on your TV and other devices at a reasonable level and use subtitles
  • Limit your exposure to loud venues, and always take regular breaks
  • Keep a safe distance from speakers and other sources of sound
  • In restaurants and public places, ask to be seated somewhere quiet

Use Assistive Technology

Explore the availability of devices that can assist you with your hearing loss and make your life easier. From vibrating alarm clocks to watching tv with hearing aids, there are many devices on the market today that you can take advantage of to make everyday situations less challenging. These include the following:

  • Frequency Modulation (FM) Systems: These wireless devices are typically used in combination with hearing aids to enhance the user’s ability to hear in noisy situations.
  • Induction Loop Systems: Also called a T-loop or a hearing loop, this device creates an electromagnetic field that is picked up by a person’s hearing aid and converted into audible sound. This device can be effective in large groups, as it filters out background noise, making it easier to hear what is being said.
  • Infrared Systems: This device uses infrared light to send sound to a receiver which then converts it back to sound. This can be used at home or in large places such as movie theaters and classrooms.

Review Your Diet

Certain vitamins and minerals have been shown to help protect against hearing loss. Eating a healthy diet, high in such nutrients can ensure your hearing health is looked after. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition, which involved assessing the effects of three different diets on 70,000 women over the course of 22 years, found a positive connection between adherence to healthy dietary patterns and lower risk of hearing loss.

On the other hand, diets which are high in fat, sodium and sugar are discouraged. Studies have also found that diets which are rich in vegetables, fruits,  vitamins and fatty acids such as omega-3s can reduce the effects of age-related hearing loss.

By following the guidance in this article, you can begin taking steps to manage your hearing loss.

Dental Veneers: Uses, Procedure, and More


Cosmetic Dentistry has become increasingly popular today. With many people becoming more meticulous and conscious of how they smile, services from prosthodontists are expanding across the globe.

It is worth noting that procedures under dental cosmetics are not only for the purpose of improving the appearance of the teeth or the face. There are instances when they are necessary to improve the quality of one’s dental and oral health.

But, regardless of its essence and importance, dental cosmetic treatments are a vital part of dentistry – and there are a lot of procedures that fall under this category. One of them is dental veneers.

Dental Veneers, and What They Are

Dental veneers are one of the most common procedures under cosmetic dentistry. They are, in essence, thin, tooth-colored shells or sheets, which dentists attach to the front surface of a tooth or teeth.

Typically, the main material involved in veneers is either porcelain or resin-composite materials. The attachment utilizes a bonding agent to permanently place the sheets or shells to the surface of the teeth.

While some individuals may choose to have veneers only for the concerned tooth or teeth, others opt to have more to create an even and symmetrical smile. As noted, the top front eight teeth are the most common ones where the veneers are applied.

The Uses of Dental Veneers

So, what they are used for – you may ask.

Apparently, dental veneers resolve many issues and concerns. Here are some of them:

  • Teeth Stains, Discoloration

Teeth discoloration and stains are among the most common dental concerns that many people have today. This is due to the foods and beverages that one consumes or the quality of the lifestyle that one has lived.

  • Broken, Chipped Teeth

Broken or chipped teeth is another dental concern that veneers can resolve. This issue usually occurs after an accident or unpleasant incident.

Instead of extracting the tooth of concern, veneers can fix the issue without removing the tooth. Remember, a dentist always goes for a solution that will help avoid extraction and maintain natural tooth or teeth.

  • Misalignment

Misaligned teeth are also a common dental concern that veneers fix. There are several reasons why misalignment happens.

But, whatever the cause is, crooked and misaligned teeth are no fun at all, especially if they are visible. They even change the aesthetics of your teeth and even the way a person looks.

  • Worn-Down Teeth

Worn-down teeth or worn-down dentition is a condition wherein an individual experiences progressive loss of the enamel or tooth’s surface. The causes usually involve activities or incidents that lead to dental trauma or tooth decay.

  • Gaps

Gaps (or diastema) are another dental issue that many children and adults experience in their lifetime. It refers to the spaces that form anywhere in the mouth.

But, those that veneers usually resolve involve the noticeable gap between the two upper front teeth.

About The Procedure

Are you planning to have dental veneers anytime soon?

These are the things you should expect to happen during the procedure:

  • Dental Inspection

The first step involves inspection. The dental expert would check whether you pass the criteria to have veneers, or whether it is the best treatment for your case.

  • Removal of Enamel

If your case applies appropriately for dental veneers, the removal of the enamel follows. This is the main prepping stage for the tooth or teeth of concern.

  • Taking, Making Teeth Impression

The second part of the preparation stage largely involves the taking of the impressions. These include the trimming and fitting of the veneer shells or sheets. This is when dentists do the adjustments in terms of size and color.

  • Dental Veneer Placement

The bonding is the last stage of the procedure. This is when the dental expert applies the special cement that will cause the attachment of the veneer shells to the teeth.

Upon placing them to the teeth accordingly, dentists use a special light beam on the areas of concern to activate the chemicals in the cement. This will quickly harden the bonding agent.

Cost and Price

On an average note, dental veneers cost somewhere between $1,000 and $2,500 per tooth. It varies, though, depending on various factors, which you will need to consider, especially if cost plays an essential role in your decision-making process.

The factors include the location, dental concern, the brand dentists carry, and the type of veneers, whether you are choosing a traditional or no-prep type. Usually, the most cost-effective option is the traditional veneers.

It is worth noting, however, that dental veneers are not typically covered by insurance. This is because they are under cosmetic dentistry.

Post-Treatment Care, Maintenance

Dental veneers offer tons of benefits, apart from improving the appearance of your teeth. But, keep in mind that the procedure is not reversible.

For the aftercare, there are no special care steps required. Dental experts would urge you, however, to continue upping your dental and oral hygiene routines to maintain the quality of the veneers and avoid further damage to the other teeth.

Should You Get One Today?

Thinking of getting dental veneers? Check with your dental expert.

You must first consult with family dentists to know the best dental solutions for your issues or concerns. They will recommend the most appropriate and ideal treatments for you.

Food Safety: The Food Industry Determined To Protect The Health Of Consumers

Protect The Health Of Consumers

Food safety continues to receive great attention from the food industry and the subject of much debate around the world. According to a 2018 record from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 200 diseases are transmitted through food. One in 10 people fall ill each year while eating.

Food safety continues to receive much attention from the food industry and the subject of much debate worldwide. According to a 2018 record from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 200 diseases are transmitted through food.

One in 10 people get sick each year from eating contaminated food, and 420,000 people die each year. Children aged 5 are particularly at risk; each year, around 125,000 young children die from foodborne illnesses.

WHO mentions On-farm production, first processing (slaughter or harvest), storage, transport, and distribution among the food value chain stages where contamination is most likely to occur, making food safety a multisectoral and multidisciplinary concern.

Also read: The Acai Bowl: A Maximum Of Vitality For Healthy Breakfast

Strong Synergies Between Food Safety, Regulation, And Certification

To help illuminate the issues and help drive improvements, DNV GL – Business Assurance and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) have teamed up to survey food and beverage, industry players. A report provides an overview of the industry’s mindset and approach to food safety and third-party certification.

Focus On Consumer Protection (Protect The Health Of Consumers)

Food and drink industry stakeholders are well aware of the global importance of food safety. The well-being of consumers and compliance with regulations are their primary concerns.

Consumer protection is arguably the most important factor for respondents, regardless of industry, company size, and location (88%), followed by compliance with laws and regulations (69%), while that customer requirements (61%) come third.

Conversely, the business benefits are generally smaller (40%). Food safety is seen as a prerequisite for good business practice and not as a competitive advantage.

Food Security Culture On The Rise

When asked about risks, 77% of respondents correctly identified operational risks (chemical, physical, microbiological contamination, for example) as the main threats to food safety. Lack of culture related to food safety came second and was selected by 31% of respondents, ahead of regulatory compliance (28%) and lack of supply chain management (21% ).

The sectors to which companies belong also seem to affect their perception of risk. Manufacturing companies (food processing) are more focused on operational risks. At the same time, retail and wholesale businesses are more concerned with a lack of supply chain management and lack of safety food skills, possibly due to the nature of their business.

Regulation In The Foreground

Among the benefits that companies have gained from risk mitigation actions taken, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements ranks much higher than other factors (81%).

From a distance, reducing incidents / recalls and improving branding/brand reputation round out the top 3 list.

Food safety regulation is clearly at the forefront of industry concerns and requirements for HACCP and procedures. Such as food safety management systems, improving regulatory compliance, and reducing incidents.

Also read: The Benefits Of Using Online Pharmacies

5 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Brain


Discover in this article five recommendations to maintain a healthy brain. It is essential to maintain a balanced diet.

Our memories, dreams, desires, emotions, and the nervous system of all our bodily functions are contained in our body’s most vital organ: the brain. Therefore, we cannot ignore the need to take care of it and keep it in good condition. Here are five tips to maintain a healthy brain:

Also read: How To Relieve Back Pain Naturally

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is not only good for our muscles. Scientific research has shown that our brains get stronger with every step we take. By doing at least 30 minutes of some type of exercise each day, your brain will produce hormones that help relieve stress and anxiety. Very light activities are enough: taking the dog for a walk, walking on the beach, going up and downstairs, etc., to maintain a healthy brain.

Eat Healthily

Eating foods rich in fiber, lean protein, and healthy fats not only increase your energy levels but are perfect for improving brain function to its best efficiency level. The foods that will help you maintain a healthy brain are:

  • Salmon
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Blackberries
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli
  • Tomato

Get Enough Sleep

Our brains do not function optimally if it is tired. Sleeping time is like giving your brain a clean spring every night. Adequate sleep helps you think more clearly and relieves stress from the day today. Make sure you get at least seven hours of good quality sleep each night. If getting enough sleep is difficult for you, try the following:

  • Don’t eat too late for dinner or eat too heavy food after 7 pm.
  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine, sodas, and sugars.
  • Avoid watching TV or using the computer in bed before sleeping.
  • Make sure your room has a mild climate and that your room is dark at night. It will also be ideal if your room is located in the area of ​​your house with less noise.
  • Take a hot bath before going to bed.
  • Put a few drops of lavender oil on a cloth and inhale.

Take Some Time Off and Relax

Your brain is always working, so finding some time to relax and unwind is essential. When we take time to relax, our thoughts can be better organized while stress is relieved. There are a large number of alternatives to achieve this relationship, including:

  • A yoga session
  • Soak in a hot bath
  • Aromatherapy massage
  • Meditation
  • Hobbies and tasks that are fun for you

Take Supplements If You Need Them

Sometimes it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins with supplements. Check with your doctor before taking any of the following:

B12 vitamin

It is a vital nutrient for our cells. People over 60 have trouble absorbing vitamin B12 directly from food, so a supplement is essential. This nutrient helps improve memory, reduces fatigue, prevents depression, and brain shrinkage.

Gingko Biloba

Chinese herbal medicine has used the ginkgo leaf and its seeds for thousands of years. This supplement is an antioxidant. It fights against harmful free radicals, improves blood circulation, and several studies show that it can help treat dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Gingko Biloba also helps improve memory, facilitates quick thinking, and also helps relieve anxiety. It is one of the vital tools to maintain a healthy brain.

Omega 3

This essential fatty acid is the building block of the brain. Omega-3 helps transport nutrients and chemicals like serotonin. Since our brain is the center of the nervous system, we have a tremendous need for omega-3s to maintain a healthy brain.

Also read: Top 3 Exercises That Helps To Be Stress-Free

3 Healthy and Delicious Holiday Side Dishes: The AIP Way


With the holidays fast approaching, you may be dreading what exactly to cook now that you are following an anti-inflammatory protocol (AIP) lifestyle.

The good news is that, depending on how you cook it, your turkey should naturally be AIP, according to Dr. Bill Cole, founder of the Cellular Health Accelerator Program.

But what about the side dishes? If you are new to AIP, it may be difficult to imagine Thanksgiving sans mashed potatoes slathered with butter or those special bread rolls that grandma always made.

Luckily, AIP is a vast universe containing a plethora of delicious recipes that will satisfy everyone at the Thanksgiving table. As I have mentioned before, AIP is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle, and my team can help you move toward your goals increasing your cellular energy to boost your health.

As you plan your Thanksgiving feast – and many meals beyond – here are three AIP recipes which are guaranteed to complement any turkey on that big day.

1. Air Fryer Crispy Brussels Sprouts

Air Fryer Crispy Brussels Sprouts


Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a healthy helping of crispy Brussels sprouts on your plate next to the slices of turkey breast. The air fryer is going to be a critical tool for you if you want to get those crispy, leafy, restaurant-style Brussels sprouts that we have all come to know and love in the last year. Not only is this recipe off the charts, it’s easier than pie – which as we all know is really nice when you are cooking up a storm for a family feast.


1 lb. Brussels sprouts, ends cutted and cut in half lengthwise

1 ½ tablespoons avocado oil

½ teaspoon garlic powder

¼ teaspoon sea salt, or more to taste

¾ teaspoon Italian seasoning or AIP Paleo Powder

2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)


In a big bowl, mix Brussels sprouts and oil. Stir to combine. Add the garlic powder, sea salt, Italian seasoning or AIP Paleo Powder, and nutritional yeast, if using. Stir to combine. Place in a layer in the air fryer and cook at 370℉ for 12-15 minutes; shake the basket a couple of times while cooking. When the tips are starting to brown, remove from the air fryer and serve while hot.

2. Glazed Carrots

Glazed Carrots

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Maybe it’s the deep purple, orange, and yellow hues, but something about picking up a bunch of carrots from the farmer’s market, just yells “fall is here!” The natural sweetness of this recipe will pair wonderfully with your savory sides and mains during Thanksgiving, while the deep autumn colors will pair well with your fall-inspired table runner and decor.


8 carrots, peeled and cut into ¼-inch coins

¼ cup coconut oil

¼ cup coconut sugar

¼ teaspoon salt


Place carrots in the saucepan and fill with water until carrots are completely covered. Boil carrots over medium heat for 15 minutes or until they can be easily pierced with a fork, then drain and set aside. Add coconut oil to the saucepan and melt over low heat. Once melted, add coconut sugar and salt and whisk until a caramel-like consistency is reached. Add carrots back to the saucepan and coat with mixture. Serve immediately.

3. Easy Broiled Asparagus

Easy Broiled Asparagus

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Easy Broiled Asparagus ticks all the boxes: it’s fast, easy, delicious, wonderfully AIP friendly, and jammed-packed with a ton of nutrients. If Brussels sprouts and carrots don’t do the trick (they will), this yummy dish is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


1 bunch asparagus

2 tablespoons avocado oil

Coarse sea salt, to taste

If asparagus has tough, woody ends, snap them off and discard them. Spread asparagus spears on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with avocado oil and then toss to coat evenly and redistribute in a single layer. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Place the oven rack about four inches beneath the broiler element. Preheat broiler. Broil asparagus in the oven for 4-8 minutes, watching closely to make sure they turn bright green and develop some light blistering but do not char. If your broiler has both a low and high heat setting, you might prefer to start it on low and then increase to high for just the last minute or two. Remove from the oven. Let sit for 2-3 minutes, then serve.

About Dr. Bill Cole

Dr. Bill Cole, the founder of the largest functional medicine group of its kind, has made the Cellular Health Accelerator Program that helps people to be well, feel well, and age well. He has already helped to change the lives of thousands and has spoken on stages across the nation. For more information, visit https://drbillcole.com/

4 Tips For Choosing Your CBD Flower Strains


CBD Flower Strains

Cannabidiol is slowly taking the world over. Oh, wait, you can scratch that. Cannabidiol is definitely taking the world over at a rather quick pace and there’s absolutely nothing slow about it. Its popularity is constantly on the rise and if there is one thing we can all agree on, then it is the fact that CBD products certainly aren’t going anywhere any time soon.

If you are looking for CBD products, you can check your local dispensary or visit penguin cbd.

When you decide that you want to enjoy the benefits of this marvelous compound as well, you will have a few choices ahead of you, starting with the choice of the consumption method. Smoking CBD is one of the most popular methods nowadays, so that’s what we are sticking with in this article. Although, I certainly won’t be talking about the benefits of consuming Cannabidiol this way, since I am pretty sure you already know that.

Instead, I will be talking about another significant choice you will have to make before you get your hands on this particular product. As you can see at cheef botanicals, there are quite a lot of different flower strains that you can choose from when deciding which specific CBD to buy and smoke. Well, that’s exactly what we will be dealing with today.

While I cannot tell you specifically which strain is the best, since there are certainly a lot of great ones and this decision mostly depends on your personal preferences, there are definitely some helpful tips I can give you in order to assist you in choosing the perfect strain for you. As I said, it does depend on your personal preferences, but there are some common denominators that you should keep an eye on. To say it differently, there are certain factors that you need to keep in mind during the choosing process.

If you decide to just randomly pick out your flower and start using it without doing any prior research, chances are that you will get disappointed. With the outcome of your choice. If nothing else, you might not like the taste and that can be a real buzz killer. So, in order not to let anything like that happen to you, I’ve decided to share some choosing and buying tips, as mentioned above. Here we go.

4 Tips For Choosing Your CBD Flower Strains 1

Check The Quality

If there is one thing that you never want to compromise when it comes to the CBD flowers that you are buying. then it’s the quality of those flower strains. It goes without saying that you want the products you are buying to be of perfect quality, so that you can get all those benefits that actually come with this amazing compound. Since quality is certainly not to be compromised. That should be the first thing you check when you start researching specific strains.

Here are some tips on how to make this choice: https://cbdtesters.co/2019/06/17/choosing-the-best-cbd-flowers/

The only question that’s left now is how you can check the quality. There are quite a few things that you can do in order to do that, such as talk to other people about their experiences, but there is one bullet-proof way of finding out whether certain strains are of great quality or not. What you should do is check whether the specific products you are planning to buy have been tested and approved as safe for consumption. If yes, then you can be sure that the strains you are thinking of buying will be of high quality.

Check CBD Content

Different strains contain different amounts of Cannabidiol and you probably know by now that this fact plays a role in how strong and how effective your CBD flowers will be. Now, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t even give a shot to those strains that contain lower amounts of Cannabidiol, because those can certainly be good for some things, especially so when we are talking about first time users. Yet, if you need to treat certain more aggressive symptoms, it would be a good idea to choose a strain that is rather high in Cannabidiol.

Check THC Content

Similarly to the above, you should also think about the concentration of Tetrahydrocannabinol. Since it is a commonly known fact that these flowers contain both of these compounds. While THC is certainly a rather helpful substance in certain regards, it can also be dangerous. I suppose you know that it is psychoactive and that might not be something that you would prefer to experience from your CBD flower.

Well, if you don’t want to get accidentally high. I suggest you take a close look at the concentration of THC. In the specific strains that you are thinking of purchasing. If you take a look at this website, you will see that THC content is one of the most important things to consider, especially if you don’t want any surprises. Of course, it certainly isn’t the only thing you need to keep in mind. But that doesn’t give you the permission to completely disregard it.

Check The Aroma

You certainly cannot expect CBD flowers to smell like lilies or anything like that. But this doesn’t mean that they need to smell repugnant and revolting. Quite on the contrary, all of these flowers have their own, distinctive, pleasant aromas. Your task is to check the aroma of those strains. That you are thinking of using and decide which one suits you best. While this certainly isn’t the most important criterion, it shouldn’t be forgotten.

How can I make a homemade spa at home?


Home spas are an easy alternative to visiting the local spa for some pampering. Most people love to take time out of their busy lives and treat themselves to relaxation. Making a homemade spa has never been easier! Here is a list of items you can use to create your oasis at home:

·  Epsom salt – Great for sore muscles, it also helps remove toxins from the body by drawing them out through your skin. Add this into warm bath water for a soothing soak.

·  Essential oils – Lavender or peppermint oil will relax you as well as give off a pleasant scent as they release from the steaming water.

·  Aloe vera – This can be used to soothe skin irritations such as sunburns, poison ivy, and eczema.

·  Milk and honey – Who doesn’t like a warm milk bath? Mix this with love for an extra moisturizing effect. This mixture will also help revitalize dry, dull skin along with drawing out impurities from the pores.

There are many other things you can add to your homemade spa treatment, such as candles, cucumber slices over the eyes (to reduce puffiness), essential oils (orange or lavender) in a scent machine/diffuser, or music of your choice to enjoy while you relax.

How do I make our at-home spa?

·  All you need is a little creativity and the ability to relax! Find an area in your home where you can set up a private oasis.

·  Try adding different treatments such as exfoliating scrubs with salt or sugar, detoxifying tea baths, or aromatherapy (lavender or peppermint oil).

·  Create your paradise by lighting candles around the room and playing soothing music.

·  Relax in your tub and add your favorite essential oils for a sense of aroma.

I love my homemade spa.

What is the best homemade treatment?

·  Everyone loves to relax in their private oasis, but only you know what treatments will satisfy your desires. Here are some different types of treatments:

o Soothing and relaxing hot baths with Epsom salt and Aloe vera.

And o Detoxifying tea bath with detoxifying herbs such as green or black tea or chamomile.

o Bath salts made from Dead Sea salt to help rejuvenate dry skin.

o Air-purifying room spray consisting of lavender oil, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil to help purify the air.

o Orange, cucumber, or rosemary scrub for refreshing skin

·  The choices are endless! Think about what you would like to put into your spa treatment and come up with a recipe.

Homemade lavender spa set at home

Lavender is an herb that has been used for centuries, with most people choosing to use it as a calming agent. Many claim that the smell of lavender alone can help them relax and provide relief from stress, anxiety, and depression. The essential oil produced by this plant is trendy in massage oils because it is said to increase relaxation and even sleep quality.

Today’s article will focus on homemade lavender spa sets, which you can easily make yourself. A lot of women love these kinds of products because they are one-of-a-kind. Also, since they are not mass-produced like commercial products, buyers know they are getting high-quality goods made with only the finest ingredients.


The lavender spa sets that you get from this site are all-natural. This means that the essential oils and other ingredients used to make them come right from mother nature. The end products are truly beneficial for not only your body but also the environment. They are free of fillers, chemicals, and additives in their purest forms.

Lavender bath salts

For DIY enthusiasts, making your own lavender bath salts is probably one of the best options. To make these goodies at home, all you need is Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), coarse sea salt (sodium chloride), dried culinary lavender flowers, which can be purchased online or at organic stores, food coloring (optional) if you prefer your salts tinted, and glass containers like Ball jars.

The best part is that the lavender bath salts are reusable. They can be used up to two times, after which you can refill your containers with a new batch.

If you desire the benefits of lavender but lack time to make your homemade products, purchasing these items from this website is an excellent solution. They will give you value for your money because they contain pure ingredients in the purest forms.

Homemade Spa Luxetique

Home spa kits are available through mail-order catalogs or spa stores specializing in natural products. They are easy to assemble by following the directions. Most home spas are made from fiberglass, which is non-porous and easy to disinfect for healthy skin conditions. Kits typically include a built-in control panel with adjustable jet pressure or massage jets, an inflatable headrest, insulation panels for noise reduction, and aromatherapy space heaters that offer gentle warmth in cooler climates. Other features may include aroma lights, heat lamps, bubble blowers, air filters, water purifiers, foot baths, and even extra deep spa tubs for taller people or growing children.

What is the Marc Jacobs Tote Bag


In 1986, Marc Jacobs started creating his own collections, and his forward-thinking, carefree designs are still in demand.  Marc Jacobs(The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag) was infamously let go from Perry Ellis in 1992 for foreseeing the grunge trend, yet he kept designing for his own line even after accepting the position of creative director at Louis Vuitton in 1997. He has become one of the most influential designers in the world thanks to his immaculate execution of contemporary aesthetics. He has turned the Marc Jacobs label into a high-end manufacturing powerhouse that creates ready-to-wear, eyewear, footwear, fragrances, and more.

How Tote Bags are Made

The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag – Whether you’re heading to the grocery store or bringing books to class, a tote bag will make your life much easier. They’re there to help you no matter what you choose to stuff them with. While tote bags are created from a range of materials, some of the most popular are made of plastic! Indeed, many of the items we wear, from faux leather coats to nylon stockings to polyester sweaters, are made of various forms of plastic.

What steps are involved in creating totes? What do fabrics and plastic have in common? Prepare to discover how these portable bags are created.

What Are Non Woven Fabrics?

What Are Non Woven Fabrics?

The majority of woven tote bags are put together from fabric found at your local grocery or craft store. Weaved bags are often simple to manufacture in the comfort of your own home because the fabric is already prepared and processed. – The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Non-woven fabrics, on the other hand, are simply plastic disguised, and their name comes from the production technique. Non-woven fabrics are made of small fibres or melted plastic that have been chemically, thermally, or physically linked together during production, rather than thread.

Compared to woven materials, non-woven fabrics are more adaptable. They offer strength, robustness, softness, flexibility, and cushioning. Non-woven bags are used to produce a variety of items in addition to tote bags, including diapers, bedsheets, dusters, dryer sheets, tea bags, bandages, and much more.

What kind of plastic is used in the production of nonwoven fabrics?

Non-woven tote bags are often composed of polypropylene, while some are made of polyester. This is so that it can be easily worked with, has excellent properties like strength and resilience, and is very reasonably priced. In fact, employing polypropylene to produce tote bags has a lot of benefits:

  • Inexpensive
  • Water-Resistant
  • Sustainable
  • Durable
  • Chemical-Resistant


The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag – The majority of the time, plastics are priced by weight. Polypropylene is a low-cost plastic to use since it is not dense and has one of the lightest weights of any polymer.

resistant to water

The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag – Polypropylene is not able to absorb moisture, in contrast to fabrics that are extremely absorbent, like cotton. Tote bags are now simpler to wipe down or wash as needed.


The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag – Polypropylene, believe it or not, requires less fuel and emits less emissions when used in manufacturing. Because tote bags are reusable, they reduce the quantity of CO2 discharged into the sky.

The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag – Extremely elastic polypropylene fibres are strong. Your tote bags will survive for years to come because to its elasticity, which enables the material to maintain its shape even when subjected to torsion, bending, and stretching.

Resistant to Chemicals

While you should wash your tote bags on a regular basis, polypropylene tote bags are resistant to chemical characteristics. This ensures that scents from other products, such as nasty exercise socks, will not seep into the material.

What is Melt Spinning?

The fact that non-woven fabrics are produced using a technique called melt spinning is one of the factors contributing to their low cost and sustainability. The production of polypropylene non wovens produces nearly no environmental damage because it is a quick, easy procedure that requires heat. The entire process is much less expensive and takes significantly less time because it doesn’t require any purification steps or solvents (dyes). – The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Look at this diagram to better understand melt spinning:

What is Melt Spinning?

Tiny plastic pellets are thrown into a hopper and heated to nearly 500°F, where they melt into a syrup-like fluid that is used to create the tote bags.

To form filament fibres, the melted plastic is then extruded and forced through a spinneret.

Air is blown onto the filaments as they are forced out of the spinneret, and a machine starts spinning the various threads together.

Spunbonding is the process that causes the fibres to entangle so that when the fabric is pressed onto the conveyor belt, it forms uniform sheets of fabric.

Melt spinning is only utilised to produce particular polymers, such as nylon, polyester, and polypropylene, because some polymers dissolve or deteriorate at high temperatures. When heated, these plastics, unlike the others, transform into a molten liquid. These plastics would not be able to turn into synthetic fibres without this process.

(The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag)Tote Bags Glossary

The first step is understanding how plastic is utilised and the processes it goes through. When it comes to the manufacturing of tote bags, there are other phrases that are crucial to understand.


Long, thin material used to make other textiles; when cut, it resembles feathers.


The triangular piece of cloth that was placed into the sides of your tote bags was sturdy and long-lasting.

Transfer of Heat

A heat press printing procedure that uses high temperatures to put your brand into fabric.


The imprint area of a promotional product is one of the most significant portions because it is where your logo or message is printed.


Polypropylene and polyester are examples of large molecules that make up plastic chains.

Fabric that has been rolled up after going through the production process so it can be either immediately used or saved for the future.

Using the screen printing technique, a wax-like material called an emulsion is placed across a screen to imprint logos on products. – The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Even though there are many distinct technical jargon involved, it is these components that give tote bags their versatility and dependability. Without developments like the gusset or techniques like spun melt, tote bags would not have the same consistency as fabric or the same strength and durability.

How Are Custom Tote Bags Made?

How Are Custom Tote Bags Made?

Now that you’ve learned more about how non-woven totes receive their names and the terminologies related with the manufacturing process, let’s dive into each distinct stage!

  • To make filaments, plastic polypropylene pellets are melted and pushed through a spinneret.
  • Filaments are placed on a conveyor belt and pressed into sheets.
  • When the sheets have cooled, they are rolled up into huge rolls of fabric.
  • When the fabric is ready for use as a tote bag, it is measured and cut to size.
  • The tote’s seams and handles are heat sealed or sewed together.
  • The finished tote bags will be embellished with a bespoke logo, typically by screen printing or heat transfer. – The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Step 1

Melted polypropylene plastic particles are pushed through a spinneret in extremely small pieces. Due to this, the molten plastic transforms into filaments, which are incredibly thin fibres.

Step 2

The filaments are placed on a conveyor belt and flattened into sheets.

After that, the sheets are allowed to cool before proceeding to the next stage.

Step 3

The sheets are rolled into enormous rolls of fabric once they have cooled. They can be kept here until you’re ready to use them!

Step 4

When the fabric is ready to be turned into a tote bag, it is precisely measured and cut to shape. Because totes come in a variety of forms and sizes, measurements can be readily adjusted to obtain the appropriate size.

Step 5

The tote’s seams and handles are normally heat sealed after that. This implies that pressure and heat will be used to create a connection. The seams may also be stitched together, depending on the bag’s maker.

Step 6

The tote bags are now finished and ready to be adorned!

At this point, your logo will put to the centre of the tote bag, typically through screen printing or heat transfer.

You can display your custom design on one side of the tote bag or go all out and add designs on both sides.

Step 7

Your tote bags are excellently designed and prepared for packaging. They’ll be packaged flat, shipped, and delivered to you!

The Bottom Line

Tote bags may start out little, but by the time they’re finished and ready to use, they pack a tremendous punch (and plenty of goods).

Tote bags are a tote-tally amazing promotional tool to show off your business.

With so many benefits ranging from water resistance to affordability. – The Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

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What Do You Need Online Vet Help for?    


What Do You Need Online Vet Help for?

You can’t visit your local vet about common queries and problems you’re facing with your pet daily. Not only does that end up piling unnecessary costs, but the local vet also may not be available to cater to your needs 24/7.

Hence, online vet help has become popular among many pet owners for ease of convenience and efficient service. Whether you need a consultation at midnight or on Labor Day, an online vet is available for you anytime.

The Role of an Online Vet

An online vet provides virtual services for your pet’s health care. These services can be accessed through any device with an internet connection and communication equipment like a camera and a microphone.

They don’t see your pet in person but can provide advice about its health and behavior over the internet. They can also guide you to an abundance of online resources and guides to take care of your pet in a better way.

When Should You Get Online Vet Help?

Not all situations require you to go running to your local vet. In many cases, your pet may not be suffering from a severe problem at all. When you’re unsure whether to consult a traditional vet, getting advice from an online vet can be beneficial.

Online vets can write a referral detailing the problems your pet is suffering from, so your local doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and give out the correct prescription in no time.

Since you can arrange a consultation with an online service within minutes, you don’t have to wait for hours or even weeks to get an expert opinion on your pet’s condition without putting a hole through your wallet.

Services Offered by Online Vets

Many traditional vet services involve physical examinations or tests. In comparison, virtual vets cannot make any prescriptions or concrete diagnoses for your pet. Instead, they can provide:

  • General Health Information for your pet
  • Health/Diet plans
  • Follow-up advice
  • Second opinion on your pet’s diagnosis
  • Advice on pet behavior
  • Tell you about allergies, pet pests, parasite control, and so on
  • Serve as the first line of contact when your pet is having an emergency

When you have multiple queries regarding your pet, asking an online vet can be optimal and cheap. They’re more accessible than your local clinic, and your dog doesn’t have to be uncomfortable while getting examined within the comfort of your home.

Preparing for the Consultation

When you’re getting yourself and your pet ready for an online consultation, keep several documents prepared and ready to go. For online vets to have complete knowledge about your pet’s condition, provide them with the necessary information that includes:

  • Your pet’s complete medical history
  • Any recent lab reports
  • Information about your pet’s behavior, eating habits, and lifestyle

If you have specific concerns, note them down so you can ask the vet during the consultation. It’s ideal to have a person with you during the consultation who knows about your pet’s daily behavior and lifestyle.

The more information you provide to the online vet, the more accurate their advice and suggestions are.

Ensure Your Pet’s Continual Health by Getting an Online Consultation

Getting online vet help can be more hassle-free for both you and your pet. While there are circumstances that make in-person vet appointments unavoidable, you don’t have to go as often as you think you do when you’re getting online consultations.

The doctor needs to have a clear view of your pet, so setting up a good-quality camera and a stable internet connection is recommended before you begin your online consultation.

The vet can ask you a range of questions similar to those asked by a traditional doctor. They may also ask you to show the pet’s living conditions so they have all the information needed to provide correct recommendations.

Also Read : Four Breathing Exercises to Instantly Calm Stress

Defying the Effects of Aging: Tips to Keep You Looking Youthful


Defying the Effects of Aging

Not many people think about aging until one day you look in the mirror and you see the effects of time on your face. But have no fear, this happens to everyone.

We all age, and no matter how you look at it, this is an inevitable fact of life. But thankfully with a little help, this doesn’t mean that we have to look our age in our later years.

When many people think of growing older, the image of a nursing home comes to mind. And this can be a scary thought due to the mistreatment of residents in nursing homes today. But getting older doesn’t have to be a sad situation, and with a few tips, you can keep a youthful appearance long into your golden years.

Here, we’ll explore a few methods for hanging on to your youth just a little while longer.

Regular Exercise

It’s a known fact that regular exercise promotes stronger bone, joint, and muscle health. And as these parts of our body deteriorate over time, regular exercise is the best defense for keeping up with your grandchildren.

Studies from the University of Birmingham have found that staying active and engaging in regular exercise keeps your hormones in a regular functional state. And those who exercise regularly often show slower signs of aging.

Exercise promotes immune health, muscle mass, skin elasticity, cardiovascular health, and healthy cholesterol levels.

Additionally, further studies have shown that two particular exercise regimens can slow the aging process and prevent cellular aging.

Both endurance training and high-intensity interval training have both shown superior results when it comes to retaining a youthful appearance in skin and muscle tone, and this has been linked to higher levels of endorphins and hormones that are released during intense exercise.


Your diet plays a huge role in the aging process. And believe it or not, some foods and substances can actually promote aging. So we all need to be careful about what we’re putting into our bodies.

Diets high in sugar can cause a host of health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. And as sugar levels fluctuate, our bodies can suffer over time.

Additionally, alcohol, nicotine, and recreational drug use can age our bodies (and brains) tremendously. So it’s best to avoid these substances at all costs.

Diets high in folic acid, B vitamins, antioxidants, collagen, and quality protein can have a great effect on the aging process. In fact, diets of fruit, rice, and vegetables are often among the best diets to promote healthy aging.

Remember, you are what you eat. And this old adage is simply a reminder to eat wisely.

Skin Health

Engaging in a regular skincare regimen can also promote good skin health, and reduce the presence of fine lines and wrinkles as you age.

The simple fact is, when most people talk of wanting to look “younger,” they’re usually referring to their facial complexion. And the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines can make someone look and feel old.

Thankfully there are many skincare regimens, creams, and ointments that can help reduce wrinkles and the appearance of aging.

Skin exfoliation is one great way to remove dead skin cells. And when this is combined with a skincare treatment such as a facial mask, you can keep that youthful glow long into your later years.

Additionally, if you want to mitigate the presence of wrinkles, you’ll need to reduce your exposure to the sun. And wearing sunscreen at all times when outdoors can greatly assist towards this goal.

Nobody will live forever. And in fact, many of us might not want to. But regardless, this doesn’t mean that we have to look our age. Today we have many options for skin treatments. And when you combine this with a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be able to age gracefully and keep a youthful appearance long into your later years.