Rice is among the staple foods that contribute the most to the global economy in our day and age. According to research by the FAO, there are several reasons why it would be desirable to manage rice processing and the byproducts that arise into more environmentally friendly uses. In order to generate consumable goods at the end of the rice processing, there are many milling processes. The milling process is the most significant phase in the manufacture of rice since it is responsible for determining the nutritional value, the ability of the rice to be cooked, and its flavor. If you have questions about Thailand’s rice milling processes, keep scrolling down below.
What is the Milling Process for Thai Rice?
When rice is milled in the rice factory, the husk and bran layers are taken off the paddy to make a white rice kernel that is clean and free of impurities. This process is called “polishing rice.” Most milled rice has about 21% husk, 8 and 12% bran, and 69% starchy endosperm. In a rice factory, five important steps or parts make up the process of milling rice.
1, Cleaning
The main goal of the cleaning process is to get rid of stones, immature grains, and other foreign objects from the paddies. Specifically, water is used to reach this goal. Before the grains are processed, they are washed and checked. Unfortunately, cleaning the raw particle won’t get rid of the dust. Instead, it makes it possible to get high milling recoveries.
2. Dehusking or dehulling
Dehusking or dehulling is the process of removing the outer husks, or trash, from rice grains. Traditional hulling machines have a low degree of shelling (60-70 percent ). These machines break rice more easily, but they are not as good as other ways of separating paddy rice from brown rice. So, it is very important to put pneumatic rubber shellers, tray separators, and husk separators in the dehusking section of your mill. This information will help you:
- Make the milling capacity five percent better.
- Lessen the amount of broken rice.
III. Spend as little money as possible on supplies and downtime.
IV.Take out any extras, like too-big rice kernels or grains that haven’t fully grown.
3. Cleaning the surface with bleach or a polish
“Whitening” or “polishing” can remove the bran from rice. This makes the rice safe for people to eat and meets the market’s standards. If you add vertical whiteners and silky polishers to your modern rice mill, you will gain the following:
- Change how white the color is.
- Cut down on the amount of broken head rice to increase production.
- Make the rice kernels look better all around.
4. Grading
Grading helps mill owners get more head rice and keep broken rice that can be used for more processing. Grading also helps mill owners make rice that is of better quality.
5. Sorting rice colors
Color sorting is the process of separating refined grains from unrefined grains based on the color of the rice. Modern color sorting machines have parts like auto-sorting control systems, picture capture systems that can store up to 200 profiles, and quality ejector systems that check the quality of the output.
What is the Importance of Rice Milling?
The industrially produced natural varieties of paddy are unfit for human consumption. This makes the milling process in the rice factory Bangkok, which follows paddy production, vital. It was removed in order to make it safe for human consumption. There are several different types of rice mill machines that may be used to mill rice. Uncooked paddy is ground into rice in a rice mill, a type of food processing facility and machinery. The final rice is harvested from paddies and processed there with the aid of cutting-edge machinery.
What are the Advantages of Traditional Method of Rice Milling?
Rice milling is an essential step after harvesting. Traditional rice milling, also called “Village milling” was done in rural areas. Village-type rice mills were used to mill farmers’ paddy for use at home. In remote villages, paddy is usually ground by pounding it by hand in a mortar with a pestle. By pounding the paddy, the grain is pushed up and down against other grains, which removes the husk and bran layers. The pounding also breaks up cracked grains. The last cleaning is done by winnowing in a basket made of woven bamboo. It is an art to separate paddy grain that has not been ground. Then use the single-stage rice mill. The single-pass rice mill is a modification of the “Engleberg” coffee huller from the U.S., which was made for milling rice. In the past, this kind of rice mill was very popular in most countries that grew rice. We can also get rice from paddy with this traditional way of milling rice.
What are the Disadvantages of Commercial Rice Milling?
Despite the fact that the commercial Thai rice factory makes use of cutting-edge technology to improve the efficiency of the milling process, the factory’s operations are prohibitively expensive because the majority of the factory’s infrastructure is based on computerization. This is in addition to the cost of acquiring cutting-edge manufacturing machinery. In addition, as a result of the overwhelming demand for rice products, rice factories are accountable for double the amount of time they spend on their operations, which necessitates them to occupy a large area for the equipment.
What are the Three Types of Milling in Thailand?
One-step, two-step, and multi-stage milling are the three different approaches that may be used while milling. Rice milling systems have as their primary purpose the removal of the husk and bran layer of the rice kernel.
1. One-step Milling
The bran and husk layers of the rice are removed in a single pass using a milling process known as “one-step milling,” which results in white rice being produced straight from the paddy. The Engelberg coffee huller was the basis for the development of the single pass, which is also known as the iron huller. Because it is known to shatter the head of rice (International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 2016), the use of a single pass is discouraged as a method of processing rice.
2. Two-step Milling
In a milling process that takes two phases, the husk and bran layers are each removed in a separate step, either in the same machine or in machines that are kept apart from one another. When compared to the single-pass milling system, the two-stage mill produces a higher milling yield, which therefore makes it the mill of choice for bespoke milling as well as rice production in more rural areas.
- Multi-stage Milling
The milling process for rice at the commercial level often consists of many stages. This approach makes use of a more complex mechanism to reduce the amount of grain that is shattered. The accumulation of heat and a subsequent reduction in tension accomplish this goal.
What is a Commercial Rice Mill?
Multi-stage or multi-pass rice mills are commercial milling devices that process the paddy in many steps. Commercial rice milling aims to minimize mechanical stresses and heat accumulation in the grain, limiting grain breakage and producing grain with a consistent gloss. The commercial milling system is more advanced than village-level systems and is set up to optimize the production of well-milled, entire grains. The design and functionality of the milling components vary, and the rice milling facility is available in a variety of combinations. The components’ order is referred to as their “configuration.” A contemporary commercial mill serving the upper-end market is shown in the flowchart below. There are three fundamental steps; the stage of husking, the stage of whitening and polishing, and the stages of grading, mixing, and packing.
How Do You Make a Rice Mill Factory?
The procedures for setting up your rice mill facility are as follows:
Select the kind of rice mill to operate
There are three methods to launch a company. Every strategy is effective, although the profit levels vary. Conventional milling equipment is used in many areas.
Obtain the necessary knowledge
Market size is very important. Without knowing important information about the milling sector, you cannot create a strategy, launch a rice milling company, or make an investment.
Design a successful and practical milling company plan
When you desire to stray from the company objectives, the rice milling business plan will serve as your guide to keep you on the right track. Another document you may use to attract investors is this one.
Since you know the amount of money required for capital and ongoing expenses, you can start looking for funding sources for your rice farming enterprise.
Get the property where your factory for a rice mill will be built. The site should be at a convenient location for both young and elderly customers.
You must invest in specific tools and equipment to run your rice milling company effectively.
Register your company name
Get a company name and register it to offer yourself a distinctive identity. Once you have a solid reputation, people will continue to remember you for your good deeds.
Obtain a license immediately and work with the federal authorities to confirm that you are authorized to continue operating your company.
Because of the anticipated increase in worldwide demand for agricultural products, rice farmers in Thailand must start a modernization program for their grain storage and processing facilities. Your go-to resource for information about rice industry milling and processing in Thailand will be this website. If you still have questions about specific points, you may visit https://thailee.com for further clarification.