10 Healthy Habits
“Good habits are as addictive as bad habits but much more rewarding”- Harvey Mackay.
Over the past two years, we have been strangled in the calamities of the Covid pandemic. Indeed the pandemic has taught us many lessons, but one of the most important lessons might be the importance of healthy living.
Yes!!! Healthy living is not a life choice anymore; instead, it’s an obligation that all of us must partake in. We are not talking about taking care of our physical health only but also our mental health.
When our body, mind, and spirit strike in complete harmony, that makes a healthy body. Therefore, we must direct our lives in the right direction and develop some healthy habits that will transform our life altogether.
Top 10 Healthy Habits To Transform Your Life
There are innumerable benefits of a healthy lifestyle. For example, it can increase our life expectancy rates, reduce the risks of chronic diseases, and decrease our psychological stress ratio. Here, we will talk about 10 healthy habits that you must develop right now if you want to live a stress-free life and live all your life happily without wasting money on hospital beds.
1: Exercise Regularly
Are you one of those people who gets cranky when you wake up in the morning??? Well, we suggest you get moving. Include physical exercise in your daily routine, and see how it changes your mood.
It can even give you more energy, help you get a good night’s sleep, reduce your stress and anxiety, and make you more productive. If you exercise regularly, it will also keep you away from awful addictions like smoking, daily intake of alcohol, or substance abuse.
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2: Start Meditation
Meditation is the process of redirecting your thoughts to calm your mind. If you make a healthy habit of meditating daily, it will generate life-altering changes. We know it sounds intimidating, but start meditating for a few minutes and enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
Just find a quiet place in your home to sit for 5-10 minutes. Keep your back straight, and keep your feet flat on the floor. We know that eliminating other thoughts from your mind is not so easy, so we suggest you start counting your breaths.
It will help you focus on your breathing, and before you know it, you’ll be transported in a state of equanimity and serenity. If you practice meditation even for 5 minutes every day, it will grant you more self-awareness, reduce negative emotions, and increase your patience.
3: Drink Plenty Of Water
Trust me; you don’t drink enough water. An adult man should drink 15.5 cups of water daily, while an adult woman should drink 11.5 cups daily. We bet you don’t even drink half of it, and that’s going to hamper your health.
So, make a routine of drinking enough water every day because staying hydrated can eliminate several health issues. It strengthens your immunity system, maximizes your physical performance, treats headaches, and impacts energy levels.
You may not know it but drinking plenty of water aids your weight loss journey. It increases your metabolic rate and helps release toxins from your body, thereby keeping your weight in check.
4: Be Organized
Being organized is not everyone’s cup of tea, but we have some tips to help you stay organized. When you stay organized, you can control your life, reducing your stress quotient.
The tips to stay organized are;
- Plan your schedule one day ahead.
- Write things down in a daily planner.
- Give yourself deadlines, and stick to the schedule.
- Be productive instead of procrastinating.
- Declutter regularly.
- Keep only what you need.
- Stay away from bargains.
- Delegate responsibilities.
- Work hard.
5: Stay In Touch With Nature
Are you feeling anxious and stressed? Go outside. Now, when we say go outside, we mean to go out in nature, not hanging in a shopping mall, and eat junk food with your friends. Staying in touch with nature can be immensely beneficial for your health.
But how do you do that? We understand you are habituated with your city life, but once in a while, take a break – go hiking, camping, or trail running. If you already love to jog every morning, we suggest you change your course and run in the woods.
6: Practice Self Care
Loving yourself and taking care of yourself is not a narcissistic trait, but rather it’s a way of making yourself more productive. So, take some time out for yourself every day or every week, and treat yourself to the finest luxuries possible.
You can take an appointment to your spa salon or go for a mani-pedi session and relax. When you look beautiful, you feel beautiful, which automatically improves your self-esteem and mental health.
If you are not into these beauty therapies, you can also read a good book and keep your phone switched off the entire day to stay away from others. Learn to enjoy the solitude with yourself.
7: Follow A Healthy Diet
Reducing the number of junk food from your diet automatically boosts your physical health quotient. Therefore, following a healthy diet can increase your bone strength, boost immunity, keep your digestion in check, and help you live longer.
But, how do you follow a healthy diet?
- Prepare your meals at home, and avoid takeouts.
- Make an eating plan for each week to keep your nutrient quotient in check.
- Choose recipes with leafy green vegetables and fruits.
- Drink water instead of sugary, carbonated beverages.
- Don’t keep your stomach empty for long, and eat small portions often.
8: Write Your Thoughts Down
Writing your thoughts down is probably one habit that we all have picked up at some point in our lives and quit as well. However, a healthy journaling habit can keep your emotions in control and keep your mood positive.
If you practice journaling, you will learn which factors trigger your negative emotions. In addition, it gives you a good opportunity to practice positive talk with yourself and channelize your negative thoughts in the right direction.
9: Read More
You don’t need to be an avid reader to enjoy a good book. Anyone can develop a reading habit provided they get the right book to start with. If you have never read a book in your life and started reading Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, of course, you won’t enjoy reading.
Just start with a simple book that is good for beginners. Some of these books are;
- The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho.
- The Catcher in the Rye-J.D. Salinger.
- Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov.
- Malgudi Days-R.K. Narayanan.
- To Kill A Mockingbird- Harper Lee.
- The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank.
- Sputnik Sweetheart- Haruki Murakami.
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Caroll.
10: Nourish Your Creative Side
Everybody has a creative side of their personality. Taking time to nourish that creative persona can keep you happy after a long day at work. So take some time out, and find your creative interests to improve your mood, self-esteem, social life, and cognitive function.
If you think you don’t have a creative side, you are wrong. Everyone has a creative aspect in their characters. Just find out what you used to love doing when you were a child. It may be dancing, singing, painting, crafting, or anything else.
Creativity improves your self-expression ability and helps you celebrate your own uniqueness. So, it is one of the healthiest habits you can develop to fill your life with positive vibes.
Closing Thoughts
You cannot develop healthy habits in a day. But, you have to start now, if you want to make these activities your habits someday. Moreover, we have suggested only those habits here that are doable for everyone. So, without wasting more time on thinking, just get started with these healthy habits to jump-start your life on a positive note.