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Study Reveals the List of the Most Body-Conscious Countries


The body positivity movement has been making lots of progress over the past few years. It focuses on the acceptance of all body types regardless of size and shape, and has already contributed to a societal change – but there is still a long way to go.

Recent research conducted by the sports nutrition company Bulk revealed that an alarming number of people around the world are looking for ways to alter the way they look in photos. The US topped the list of countries that search for body editing apps the most online, with an astonishing 69,400 monthly searches. Brazil claimed the second spot with 27,300 searches that month, while Indonesia came third with 25,710 searches.

Below is the list of top 10 countries searching for body editing apps around the world:

  1. US – 69,400 monthly searches
  2. Brazil – 27,300 monthly searches
  3. Indonesia – 25,710 monthly searches
  4. UK – 23,510 monthly searches
  5. Canada – 18,430 monthly searches
  6. Turkey – 18,140 monthly searches
  7. Germany – 16,770 monthly searches
  8. Mexico – 15,310 monthly searches
  9. Australia – 15,050 monthly searches
  10.  Italy – 14,770 monthly searches

It’s understandable that most of us want to portray our best selves on social media. However, much of the content people post is not a true representation of who they are and the lifestyle they lead. A large number of people spend hours editing their photos, making themselves look like they have the bodies they think they ‘should’ have. Despite the efforts of the body positivity movement, body editing apps continue to fuel body image issues and spread a toxic culture.

The number of people looking to alter images of their bodies to reach unrealistic beauty standards is staggering, and is known to negatively affect mental health. According to a study published on the Mental Health Foundation’s website, one in eight adults experienced suicidal thoughts because of concerns about their body image. Not only that, more and more people won’t post pictures of themselves on social media without editing them or using filters – in fact, 71%  of people admit that they don’t post photos online without doing so first. This makes the proportion of people who give themselves ‘virtual plastic surgeries’ truly concerning.

In addition to low self-esteem and depression, body editing apps are also fuelling dysmorphia and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition in which a person can’t stop thinking about their perceived flaws. People who suffer from this disorder often make extreme body alteration decisions, like excessive plastic surgery, and suffer from anxiety.

Campaigns challenging unrealistic body standards have encouraged millions of people to reject outdated stereotypes and celebrate diversity and inclusivity. While body editing apps continue to be popular, there are a few ways you can maintain body positivity and cultivate self-love:

  • Focus on your general health rather than what your body looks like
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Follow social media accounts that promote body positivity
  • Exercise regularly and eat healthily
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Try not to let society’s pressures affect you

Ways to Get Fit and Live Your Best Life

A sedentary lifestyle is among the worst choices you can make for your body, but taking just 30 minutes every day to do moderate exercise can vastly improve your health.

Your heart is a muscle, and like all muscles, it needs to be worked out regularly to stay healthy.

Heart disease is known to be a leading cause of death in America, but it’s also one of the most preventable. Exercise strengthens your heart and helps it work more efficiently.

Fitness is about more than just heart health, though. Regular exercise can help to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other chronic ailments. It can also improve your mood as well as help with your sleep.

Living a Life to be Proud Of

A healthy lifestyle is something that we should all strive for. There are so many benefits to living healthily, from having more energy and vitality to being able to enjoy life more.

Set Small, Achievable Goals

Setting and achieving goals is important for any health regimen.

For example, a person who wants to lose weight needs to set a goal of how much weight to lose and by when. Otherwise, it’s easy to become discouraged and give up.

The same is true for people who want to quit smoking or start an exercise program.

Without specific goals, measuring progress and gauging whether you’re making the changes you need to improve your health is difficult.

Setting realistic goals also gives you a sense of control over your health and lifestyle, and once you reach a goal, you’ll be more motivated to maintain your healthy habits.

Make Time for Your Relationships

Everyone needs time with their family and friends to have a good quality of life, but it’s less apparent that you must make the effort to invest that quality time in said relationships.

Any relationship is strengthened through love and warmth. Whether it’s a partner, friend, or family member, a close relationship is paramount.

Unfortunately, busy lifestyles can often get in the way of intimacy with a partner, but making time for intimacy and sex is crucial. The aid of some 100mg viagra pills from Chemist Click may help you and your partner enjoy yourselves more easily. Making time for each other, whatever your love language, is what is important.

Eat a Healthy Whole Foods Diet

One of the best ways to live a healthy life is to eat healthy foods.

Eating a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and high levels of saturated and unhealthy fats is a surefire way to a healthier lifestyle. The more strict the diet, the harder it is to maintain, so find a suitable level that both works for you and achieves results.

Hit the Gym

Getting healthier doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go to the gym every day or run a marathon – simply incorporating some form of physical activity into your daily routine can make a big difference. The gym, however, is a great place to curate a routine that incorporates a variety of equipment, and can even be a place to meet new people.

Be Patient and Don’t Give Up

The key to maintaining a healthy living style is to be patient and not rush. Producing gradual modifications to your usual routine will be easier to adjust to and will eventually produce big results with time.

Do not give up on your healthy lifestyle goals just because you have a bad day or make a mistake. Just keep moving forward and you will reach your goals.

PDFBear’s Conversion Tools: 3 of The Best Services To Get An Email Ready PDF File

PDFBear’s Conversion Tools

Indeed, the continuous progress of technology has brought a lot of benefits to our daily lives. As such, you can do countless things with the help of electronic devices in today’s modern time. One of the best examples is converting your documents into PDF files and vice versa using web-based converters.

These conversion tasks can be pretty intimidating when you’re not familiar with computer navigation and following technical terms. But, with online converters, such a task is now a piece of cake. When talking about these platforms, PDFBear is one of the names that you can trust. It provides helpful tools and services to transform your files into PDF, making it easier to read, save and send via electronic mail.

Aside from that, it can also turn PDF into another file format if you need to modify your document or add something to its content. If you want to dig deeper into PDFBear’s conversion services, here are three of the best tools it has to offer to help you convert your documents and get an easy-to-share PDF file.

Turn Word Docs into PDF Pages Instantly and Comfortably

When it comes to writing reports, memorandum, and different types of letters, Microsoft Word Document is perhaps the most used and standard format for these matters. However, format alterations may take place when you save and e-mail a Word Doc. When this happens, your recipient may not receive your e-mail the way you want it to be, and it may probably cause misunderstanding and miscommunication.

If you want to avoid such issues, it might be better to change your Word Docs format and turn it into printable and email-ready PDF files before e-mailing it. For this task, PDFBear can make it happen in just seconds! With its Doc to PDF conversion tool, you may now comfortably and instantly transform your Docx into a PDF file in just a blink of an eye.

All you have to do is get the file you want to convert and upload it to PDFBear’s server. After this, you can leave all the transformation work to the platform’s system. In just seconds, you can get the output you needed and not only that, but you can also make sure that the converted file is of the highest quality possible. Sounds great, right? Thus, if you want a hassle-free conversion, PDFBear will get you covered.

A Safe Route to Convert HTML Into PDF File

Another great tool PDFBear has to offer is its HTML to PDF conversion service. Here, you may save your HTML document as a printable and email-ready PDF. On top of that, this feature is a great way to ensure your website’s framework is secured in the form of a password-protected PDF.

Moreover, sharing and presenting your website’s content to other people is much easier when you save it as PDF pages. Do you want to give it a try? If so, the first thing you need to do is copy the link of your HTML site and paste it into PDFBear’s conversion area.

Once you have already pasted the URL, the converter will do its part and begin the transformation process instantly. After a few seconds of waiting, you will get the converted PDF that you needed, and you may save it on the device you’re using.

Make Excel into PDF Conversion Much Easier

Sharing an MS Excel spreadsheet through electronic mail can be time-consuming, mainly if it contains a large file size. But, it won’t be the case if you’ll convert your EXL file into an email-ready PDF before sending it via mail. The question is, “How?”

To convert your spreadsheets into PDF pages much easier and quicker, PDFBear has something for you. This web-based service’s Excel to PDF converter will let you do such a task in just a few clicks from your keyboard. Besides that, it will only take seconds of your time to convert EXL into PDF using this platform.

Furthermore, PDFBear’s wide range of compatibility will let you use its tools and services using different computer operating systems. In other words, whether you’re using Mac, Linux, and iOS or one of the Windows versions, you won’t encounter accessibility issues while using this converter. But, since it’s an online converter, a reliable internet connection is highly needed to make it operable.


PDFBear’s conversion services provide a much comfortable way of converting files into easy-to-share PDF documents. With its straightforward process and multi-platform compatibility, you can always avail of its tools and services without going through many hassles and accessibility issues.


How Genes Affect Predisposition To Obesity: Useful Information And Recommendations


Genes Affect Predisposition To Obesity

Each one of us in our lives has at least once met a person who eats the most and still is the slimmest. Agreed? And on the other side of thought, we have also seen people who gain weight irrespective of the amount they eat. Even a simple sandwich can make them gain weight. Well, both are extreme situations and still the most real ones. Ever thought what can be the real reason behind this? Why can the slim ones eat anything and still be the slimmest and why do some others gain weight just by thinking of food (pun intended). Why do they have to struggle to lose each pound for eating an extra chocolate or pizza slice?

It is a known fact that calories are the major cause of weight gain. Simply saying, our body weight is directly proportional to the calories we consume, the calories we store, and the calories we burn. But it is not as simple as it looks. Each of the variables is impacted by a combination of genes and environment. Both can have an impact on your physiology as well as your behavior, implying a direct impact on how many calories you can store/burn and what food will affect your body weight.

The calorie equation

Let’s have a closer look at this. The number of calories our body can store and burn depends on three factors:

  • Our genetic make-up
  • Physical activity level
  • Resting energy expenditure that implies the number of calories our body burns while at rest

The above three factors are the major components that impact how our body works and stores calories, indirectly impacting our energy levels. So, the calorie equation is simple. More the calories we burn and the more we can maintain our body weight. But if we consume more than we burn, obviously it will result in fat deposition. This fat gets deposited in specialized fat cells called adipose tissue. Fat is stored in these cells either by expanding the ones that are already present in the body or by producing more of them. Physical exercise and ingestion leads to the burning of calories which directly decreases the number of fat cells in our body. As a result of all this, we lose weight.

How much of your weight depends on your genes?

The following are the characteristics that symbolise that genes are the major reason for fat deposition in your body:

  • You’ve been overweight for a long time.
  • One or both of your parents, as well as several other blood relatives, are severely overweight. If both of your parents are obese, the chances of you being obese are as high as 80%.
  • If you cannot lose weight after a constant increase in your physical activity and a low-calorie diet, genes are surely the main reason behind obesity.

Some at-home DNA tests can give you important information on how your body could be wired to store fat. This thorough article covers this topic in more detail. Using this information you can change your weight-loss strategies to see how your body responds to various diet plans.

The following are the characteristics that symbolise that genes are not the major reason for fat deposition in your body:

  • Availability of food has a significant impact on your cravings.
  • Although you are overweight, if you follow a strict diet and regular workout routines, you can lose weight to a great extent.
  • When a change in your eating or workout habits, or even when you are not mentally well, you regain the lost weight.

Now you must have got a clear picture. The above facts will help you understand if genetic predisposition is a factor in you being overweight or not. But no worries, it isn’t so severe that you can’t overcome it. Whereas, people with only a minor hereditary predisposition for obesity have a fair chance of losing weight on their own through strict diets and intense workouts.

One of the causes of obesity is the food factor

Food factors can also be a major cause of obesity. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans nowadays are consuming more calories on average than they were in the 1970s. It is said that between 1971 and 2000, the average man consumed 168 additional calories per day, whereas the average woman consumed 335 additional calories per day. What can be the actual reason behind this upward trend? There are some factors that influence our decisions of calories intake. These factors are a combination of

  • More availability of food
  • Larger quantities being feasible
  • And more high-calorie foods

In today’s era, food is readily available almost wherever we go. Let it be the retail malls, sports stadiums, public transports, metros, streets, and movie theatres. The list is never-ending. Also, the portion sizes that are served these days are huge. Although the fat content has been reduced over decades, the problem lies in the low-fat foods that have a lot of calories because they add high amounts of sugar in them to enhance their taste.

Severe Obesity and Genetics

Genes can be a major cause of your childhood obesity. Rare single-gene deficiency induces severe obesity from an early age and in fact, can induce extraordinarily high levels of hunger. It is advised that the children who are severely obese before the age of two should consult doctors or specifically saying an obesity medicine specialist about getting checked for:

  • Leptin Deficiency
  • POMC Deficiency
  • MC4R Deficiency

Obesity Genetics: A Predisposition

According to a report, obese people are more likely to have numerous genes that predispose fat that makes them to gain extra weight over and over. The fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is one of these fat genes which is found in up to 43% of the population. It is obvious for those with the fat mass and obesity-associated gene that they face difficulties regulating their caloric intake in the presence of easily available food. The presence of this gene, as well as other genes, can result in:

  • Increase in hunger levels
  • Increase in calorie consumption
  • Reduction in satiety
  • Reduction in eating control
  • Increase in the tendency to be sedentary
  • Increase in the tendency to store body fat

So, concluding this, I would like to say that genes play a really important factor in some people’s obesity. And fat is never a good deal. If you or your child is facing obesity at an early age, consult an obesity medicine specialist about getting checked for the solution.

Top Tips for a Career in Cosmetic and Beauty Procedures


As someone who is passionate about fashion and beauty, you might constantly dream about ways that you can make a living through this and how you can share your interests with others. This might sway you to become an expert in cosmetic procedures. However, getting a career in beauty can be harder than you think, and here are some of the top tips that you should follow.

·       Get Healthcare Experience

The first step that you should take is to get experience in the world of healthcare. Doing this will allow you to realize how medical facilities work and see first-hand the procedures that occur there, as well as the risks. Not only this, but the ability to carry out cosmetic procedures is a specialism, building on the groundwork of other health practices that have come before. Once you have a basis in this, you might be ready to perform the procedures on patients that most interest you and that can help them to find more joy in their appearance.

·       Look at Botox Training

Once you have decided that cosmetic procedures are a world that you want to be part of, it is important to look around for training schemes that can allow you to build up the skills and knowledge that you need. This training will prepare you for the real medical world and give you all of the scientific background you need to know concerning the procedures you are carrying out and understand them. However, not all training courses will be best for you. This means that you should look around for those that focus on the procedure you are interested in, such as Botox and filler training in a brick-and-mortar setting. When you are researching courses, you should try to find one with smaller classes and many different instructors, meaning that you will get all of the guidance and attention that you need while you are learning the trade.

·       Know Why You Are Doing It

Some people go into cosmetic procedures because they want to make money. Although the paycheck might be satisfying to you, this should not be the only reason you pursue this career. Instead, you might be pushing for this career because you want to give people more confidence, reverse the aging process, and boost the quality of life for those who have suffered an accident or a facial disfigurement. You should want to help people thrive, take control of their bodies, and battle the medical issues that are plaguing them. You should be patient-focused, wanting to give them the best experience possible, and excited about the outcome and the effect that this will have on their lives.

·       Have a Career Timeline

Right at the start of your career, you should consider outlining the timeline that you want to follow until you are at the peak of your career trajectory. This might include being employed at a clinic that you admire, or even setting up your own and being in control of your own business and working environment. Some people might also want to be leaders in their industries and innovate the practices that are already in place. Top Tips for a Career in Cosmetic and Beauty Procedures

Try These 5 Japanese Skincare Must-Haves in 2024


Have you ever wondered why most Japanese ladies seem to have radiant skin that is also youthful and flawless skin? They adhere to rigorous skincare routines and only utilize the most effective skincare products from Japan.

Japanese skincare products include a higher concentration of botanical extracts and natural herbs, both of which help to enhance the texture and appearance of your skin. These products will thoroughly cleanse and nourish your skin while also providing you with an immediate boost of moisture and protection from the harmful effects of sun exposure. Consider it done for your quest for Japanese skincare products, as you are in the right post. Scroll down for further elaboration!

Why Japanese skincare is the best?

In Japanese skincare, the idea of softness in its broadest sense comes up again and again. In contrast to the nourishing skincare philosophy of the Japanese, which focuses on sun protection, thorough but gentle cleansing, and multiple layers of hydrating and moisturizing layers, the American approach to skin care is almost like attacking your own skin with aggressive exfoliation and harsh formulas. The basic steps of the standard Japanese skincare routine are taking off makeup, washing, moisturizing with a “lotion” (more on that in a moment), treating with a serum, and finishing with a moisturizer. Using facial masks regularly is another important part of the process.

As per the recommended Japanese skin care, hydration and a focus on keeping things as simple as possible are hallmarks of the Japanese beauty trend known as J-Beauty. In general, skincare procedures are condensed into a shorter amount of time and need a more limited range of items. The most important aspect is to have a clean-cut, well-groomed, and young appearance. Cleansers, essences, and moisturizers are the three main components of traditional Japanese skincare regimens. These three components work together to maintain the skin moisturized, plump, and supple. Here, the key is to layer in a way that is both light and nourishing.

Another area of differentiation between the trends is seen in the constituent elements. While snail mucus, rice bran, sea kelp, and sake are common components of Korean skincare, Japanese skincare places a greater emphasis on hydrating and anti-inflammatory components such as green tea, hyaluronic acid, Camellia oil, and Aloe Vera.

What is the Best Cosmetic Brand in Japan?

Jcomfy, a Japanese cosmetic brand, is widely considered to be one of the most effective online shopping platforms. It imports items from Japan that are known for their excellent quality. Jcomfy is a secure and user-friendly shopping platform, and it offers a wide variety of health and beauty items for you to choose from, including those for your face and body, as well as cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and equipment for applying makeup, amongst other things.

With the beauty market situation in Thailand continuing to improve, more and more people in Thailand are showing an interest in purchasing goods that are made in Japan. This is due to the fact that customers have faith in the reliability and reputation of the product; hence, Jcomfy saw this as a significant chance to get items of exceptional quality. However, there are plans to explore abroad markets such as China, Malaysia, Singapore, and others in Asia in the near future. The company’s primary emphasis will be on providing items that are applicable throughout the whole country of Thailand.

What Do Japanese Use for Skincare?

Skin Care Routine in the Morning

  • Don’t use a harsh cleanser first thing in the morning. Use a Japanese cleansing cream that is gentle and evens out the pH. Gentle cleansers don’t remove your skin’s natural oils and keep wrinkles and fine lines from showing up.
  • Toners that have alcohol content can dry out the skin, but a skin softener can lock in moisture and give your skin more nutrients.
  • Take the softener in the palm of your hand and gently apply it to your face and neck. After the softener has been absorbed, put on a moisturizer.
  • You can even use lotion or essence instead of a softener. Liquid hydrators are like a cross between a serum and a toner. They make it easier for products to get into your skin. You can do both at different times.
  • The essence will make your skin smoother and fuller by removing spots. The gel-based lotion can tighten and hydrate your skin, making it firmer. Some lotions also have antioxidants to keep the skin moist and healthy.
  • During the day, you can use a moisturizer with built-in sunscreen or sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before applying moisturizer. It will keep the sun’s UV rays from damaging your skin and keep you from getting older.
  • In Japan, collagen-based skin care products are very popular. Even supplements, drinks, masks, and gloves are made from collagen.
  • Look for Japanese wrinkle cream that contains collagen. Collagen is one of your skin’s building blocks of younger-looking skin, and it helps keep your skin flexible and firm.
  • The surrounding skin around your eyes is thin and fragile and ages faster than other parts of your face. Use a good eye gel to keep wrinkles from showing up. If you use eye gels often, try to get a lymphatic eye massage. This can help nourish the area under your eyes.
  • Use your ring finger to get a small portion of eye gel along the area under your eyes. Then, start pressing gently at the outer corner of the eye and move in toward the inner eye, the nose, and the end of the eyebrows. Hold there for a few seconds with your thumb.

Skin Care Routine at Night

  • Have your face washed with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Make sure the cleanser is as gentle as possible. Use the towel in an upward motion to dry your face. This makes the blood flow better and brings more nutrients to the face.
  • After that, use a light cleansing oil with ingredients like antioxidants to give your skin even more nutrition. It will also make your skin glow while getting rid of bacteria, dirt, and makeup. Choose items that don’t have a lot of alcohol in them.
  • Use a serum to nourish your skin after you’ve cleaned and hydrated it with a softener or hydrator. Some Japanese products are full of antioxidants that get deep into your skin and give it the nutrients it needs.
  • Use a moisturizer after cleansing to get the most out of your products. It’s important to choose a moisturizer with mild ingredients that come from plants and help nourish your skin.
  • Get a face massager and use it to give your face a massage. It helps bring more blood to your face, bringing nutrients to the epidermis, tightening the skin, and reducing lines and wrinkles. For the best results, use it often.

Categories of Various Skin Types

From a cosmetics point of view, skin is categorized by the amount of oil it makes, how well it stays hydrated, and how sensitive it is. So, each skin type has its qualities and needs different care. Genes determine skin type but can also be affected by other things and change over time.

  • Normal

The skin on this person is neither too dry nor too oily. It has a consistent texture, no flaws, and a clean, soft look. It doesn’t need any special care.

  • Sensitive

People who belong to those with sensitive skin types are more likely to react to things that don’t bother people with normal skin. It is a thin skin type that usually comes with uncomfortable feelings like heat, tightness, redness, or itching.

  • Dry

Dry skin is usually caused by things outside the body, like the weather, low humidity in the air, or being in hot water for a long time. But for some people, it may happen more often or even last their whole lives.

  • Oily

Oily skin looks rough, wet, and bright. It happens when sebaceous glands make too much fat, which is usually caused by genetics and/or hormones. It is common in teens and young adults under 30 years old and is usually linked to acne.

  • Combination

Since the sebaceous glands and sweat glands are not all in the same place, it has dry and oily skin depending on where it is. Usually, the T-zone has more oil than the cheeks, which have normal or dry skin.

5 Japanese Skincare Must-Haves in 2022

Below is the list of five Japanese skincare products you must have for the year 2022, as follows:

  • M-Dear Whip Wash

WHIP WASH is a gentle and soft whip foam from Japan that will leave your skin moister than it has ever been. Japanese gentle and soft whip foam that can brighten your skin. From the first use of it, you can feel your skin getting brighter, clearer, and more moisturized. It comes from Japan and is a high-quality product for cleaning. Get rid of dead skin and dirt from your face to reveal clean, bright, and hydrated skin.

  • M-Dear Renew Serum

This serum helps reduce wrinkles and aging by repairing damaged skin cells. It combines the benefits of Sh-Oligopeptide-1, which can fix damaged skin cells, stop the skin from aging, and stop wrinkles from forming. This gives you firm, attractive skin.

  • M-Dear UV Protection Gel SPF50+

It is an easy-to-use sunscreen with a light texture that won’t leave a white mark or clog your pores. It protects your skin from UVA/UVB, Infrared, and pollution. This product also aids in preventing sun-related melasma, dark spots, and wrinkles. Creates a skin shield and nourishes the skin daily with various high-quality plant extracts.

  • M-Dear Renew Bright Lotion

This soft and light lotion makes your skin look brighter while removing dark spots, making the skin firmer, and reducing wrinkles. It also has Sh-Oligopeptide-1, which makes the skin feel smooth.

  • M-Dear VC-IP White Serum 20

This brightening serum is better than others because it absorbs pure Vitamin C derivatives at a rate of 20% and helps reduce dark spots directly, which makes the skin look brighter.

People have said that Japanese skin care products are better in many ways. From their well-researched ways of making things to their use of only the best ingredients, it is common knowledge that you will always be buying a quality product.

There are a lot of well-known and new Japanese skincare brands on the market right now, which can be confusing if you do not know much about them. If so, you can go to https://www.jcomfy.com/en/ for guidance and more tips on how to take care of your skin.

Keep Your Hair Healthy and Hydrated This Winter with These Pro Tips


When the temperatures start to drop, the cooler weather can take a toll on your hair. Cold weather can completely change your hair’s texture from dry, split ends to dandruff. It’s important in the winter to take extra good care of your hair by protecting it from colder temps and using professional hair care products to keep it shiny and healthy.

Here are some of our top tips for how to keep your hair hydrated this winter:

Use Leave-In Conditioner

Leave-in conditioner can help retain some of that much-needed moisture in your winter hair. Depending on how dry your hair is, you can use a small amount of leave-in conditioner once a day, once every few days or once a week. For dry hair, once a day is okay. For oily hair, keep your leave-in conditioner to once a week. When using a leave-in conditioner, work the product into the ends of your hair, not the roots. Putting leave-in conditioner in your roots can make your hair oily.

Protect Your Hair at Night

Wearing something to protect your hair at night is something that should be a part of your regular self-care routine, but using hair protection at night in the winter is even more essential because the cold weather will zap moisture from your hair. Sleep with a silk cap or silk pillow cover to reduce friction and breakage. Cotton pillowcases and sheets can soak up moisture in your hair.

Wash Your Hair with Cooler Water

Taking a steaming hot shower may feel incredible in the chilly winters, but hot water can do a lot of damage to your hair, removing moisture and weakening the hair. You can keep the temperature up while washing your body, but when you’re ready to rinse your hair, lower the temperature to lukewarm or even cool to help your hair retain moisture.

Wash Your Hair with Cooler Water

Minimize Your Use of Heat Tools

Hot styling tools can transform your hair into a chic new style — but they can also do a lot of damage. Using heat tools occasionally is okay for your hair as long as you use hair care products that prevent heat damage. But, repeated exposure to high heat will rip moisture out of your hair and cause it to become brittle and dry. If you blow dry your hair often, try using the low or cool setting instead. Avoid using a straightener or curling iron every day.

Dry Your Hair Before Leaving the House

Your mom probably told you when you were young not to leave the house with wet hair, or you would get sick. Well, that might just be a myth. But, leaving the house with wet hair in the winter can suck moisture out and leave you with dry strands, so always blow dry or gently dry your hair first. When you do leave the house, protect it against harsh temperatures by sporting a hat with a silk lining.

Deep Condition Weekly

Keep your hair moist and healthy by using a salon conditioner or leave-in hair mask once a week in the winter. This will help combat dryness and static that often occurs in the winter. Apply your deep conditioners or hair mask to wet hair after shampooing and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing out.

Keep Shampooing to a Minimum

Overwashing your hair can lead to weak hair susceptible to breakage. Depending on your hair type and level of natural oils, you can go every other day without shampooing or once a week. Find the shampoo schedule that makes sense for you, and then be sure to use high-quality professional shampoo to avoid any unexpected ingredients that can actually cause further drying out.

Keep Shampooing to a Minimum

Co-Wash Your Hair

Co-washing, or conditioner-only washing, your hair has become increasingly popular among people with very curly or extremely dry hair. This method of washing means you do not shampoo at all. Co-washing can be a way to add lots of hydration to your hair, which is exactly what many people need in the winter. People with oilier hair may need to wash daily, while others may only need to co-wash once a week. To find the right conditioner, browse professional hair care products for conditioners without silicones. Look for ingredients like shea butter, wheat germ and moisturizers like aloe vera.

Steam Your Hair

If you’ve never used a hair steamer before, get ready for your life to change. This tool steams your hair, opening cuticles and allowing moisturizers and hair care products to soak into the hair, keeping it healthier and more hydrated.

Don’t Let the Winter Weather Stop You from Having Beautiful Hair

Just because the cold weather can impact our hair doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Try implementing some of these tips and tricks to keep your hair shiny, beautiful, healthy and hydrated all winter long. You’ll have people asking for your hair care secrets before too long.

Understanding Long COVID and Its Effects on Vertigo


Long COVID is a complex condition that has affected many individuals recovering from COVID-19. Among the various symptoms reported, vertigo has become a particularly troublesome one, causing dizziness, a sense of spinning, and imbalance. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to understand the connection between long COVID and vertigo and explore possible solutions to alleviate these issues.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is not merely dizziness; it is a feeling of being off-balance, often described as a spinning sensation even when you are stationary. Vertigo can be triggered by several factors, including issues with the inner ear, infections, and even certain medications. Long COVID-related vertigo can be particularly challenging because it may be accompanied by other lingering symptoms like fatigue, headaches, or brain fog.

Long COVID and Its Link to Vertigo

Long COVID, or post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a condition where symptoms persist weeks or even months after the acute infection has cleared. Vertigo can emerge as part of this syndrome, possibly due to the virus affecting the vestibular system, which controls balance, or due to general inflammation that impacts inner ear function. Understanding the root causes is essential in finding Long COVID vertigo solutions that work effectively for each individual.

Common Symptoms Associated with Long COVID Vertigo

  • Dizziness: A feeling of lightheadedness, sometimes leading to fainting.
  • Spinning Sensation: A sense that you or your surroundings are rotating, which may come in waves.
  • Unsteady Gait: Difficulty walking or standing steadily.
  • Nausea: A frequent side effect of vertigo, caused by the disorientation of your senses.

Long COVID Vertigo Solutions

Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution, several approaches have shown promise in alleviating the symptoms of vertigo associated with long COVID. Here are some natural and therapeutic solutions that may help:

1. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is an exercise-based program aimed at reducing dizziness and improving balance. It helps retrain the brain to adapt to signals from the inner ear, which may be compromised after a COVID-19 infection. A trained therapist can guide individuals through a series of exercises that focus on head movements, balance, and coordination.

2. Hydration and Electrolytes

One of the simplest solutions is to maintain proper hydration. Dehydration can exacerbate dizziness, making vertigo worse. Drinking water and replenishing electrolytes can help stabilize fluid levels in the body and reduce symptoms.

3. Gingko Biloba Supplements

Gingko Biloba is a popular herbal remedy that has been used to manage vertigo. It works by improving blood circulation, particularly in the brain, which can help alleviate the spinning sensation. However, consult a healthcare provider before starting any herbal treatments.

4. Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Long COVID symptoms, including vertigo, can be worsened by anxiety. Mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises can reduce stress levels, which may indirectly help reduce the severity of vertigo episodes. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and guided imagery are particularly useful.

5. Dietary Adjustments

Reducing sodium intake can prevent fluid retention in the body, which could contribute to inner ear pressure and vertigo. Adding anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, and leafy greens might also help decrease overall body inflammation, including in the vestibular system.

When to See a Doctor

If vertigo is interfering significantly with your daily activities or causing other complications, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They may prescribe medications such as antihistamines or benzodiazepines, or recommend further testing to rule out other causes of vertigo.

Additional Support and Resources

  • Physical Therapy: Some physiotherapists specialize in treating long COVID symptoms, including balance issues.
  • Community Support Groups: Online forums and support groups can offer valuable insights and emotional support for managing long COVID.
  • Relevant Articles: Numerous healthcare sites like Mayo Clinic and WebMD provide in-depth information and resources for managing long COVID symptoms.

Coping with Long COVID Vertigo: Lifestyle Changes

Managing vertigo involves more than just medical treatment. Here are some lifestyle changes that may improve quality of life for individuals dealing with long COVID vertigo:

  • Avoid Triggers: Bright lights, sudden head movements, and stress can be triggers for vertigo. Identifying and avoiding these can help.
  • Use Assistive Devices: Canes or other mobility aids can help maintain balance and prevent falls.
  • Practice Tai Chi: This ancient Chinese martial art emphasizes slow, deliberate movements and may improve balance, coordination, and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts on Long COVID Vertigo Solutions

Living with long COVID symptoms can be both challenging and frustrating, especially when it comes to vertigo. However, by understanding the condition and exploring the right long COVID vertigo solutions, it is possible to alleviate symptoms and regain some sense of normalcy. Individual responses to treatments will vary, so it’s important to stay patient and work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized approach.

Vertigo can significantly impact daily life, but with the right strategies and resources, the symptoms can be managed effectively. Whether it’s through therapeutic exercises, dietary changes, or community support, taking proactive steps can lead to a marked improvement in both balance and quality of life.

How to Have an Easy Postpartum


The arrival of a new baby is a momentous and exciting time. However, it can also be overwhelming to think of all the new responsibilities and changes that come with having a newborn. Fortunately, with a little preparation and a few simple tips, your postpartum transition can be as smooth as possible. This guide will give you all the information you need to ensure your postpartum period is as stress-free as possible.

1. Take Care of Yourself

1. Take Care of Yourself

Whether you had a normal delivery or CS, your body needs time to recuperate. Get as much sleep as possible for the first few days. Every time your kid sleeps, nap with them to get maximum rest hours.

Take turns with your partner or family members to care for the newborn. You cannot be expected to handle everything as a new mother. Remember that you are recovering from childbirth and gaining knowledge about infant care. Partner(s), relatives, friends, and postpartum nurses are all suggested helps.

Additionally, get help with the house chores. As a new mother, the rate of infections is high. You need to ensure that your immune system is not triggered. Countertops should be well-cleaned since that is where most of your food preparations will be for you and your baby. Any visible cracks in your kitchen countertop need to be attended to since it can be a health hazard for you and your newborn due to bacteria sipping through. Get better options from https://www.oppein-stone.com/, being assured of quality in aesthetics and durability.

Get gas and water pipes fixed in advance, so you do not have to worry about strangers coming into your home to fix things shwile you recover from childbirth.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

2. Set Realistic Expectations

To ensure a smooth postpartum, setting realistic expectations for yourself is important.

The first few months after the baby arrives can be a roller coaster of emotions. You may feel overwhelmed by your new role as a parent, exhausted from sleepless nights, and struggling with changes to your body and lifestyle. Remind yourself that this is all normal, and take comfort in knowing these feelings are temporary.

It’s also important to remember that everyone’s postpartum experience is different. Don’t compare yourself to other parents who seem to be doing better or worse than you are. Instead, focus on your unique journey, and reach out to family and friends if you need help or reassurance.

Moreover, don’t forget to give yourself time and space to adjust to your new life as a parent. Making time for yourself will help you keep your energy and spirits high to enjoy this special time with your baby.

3. Stock up on Supplies

3. Stock up on Supplies

Having all the necessary supplies for your postpartum period can help your recovery and reduce stress levels. There are a few key items that you should be sure to have on hand before your baby arrives, including:

  • Diapers and wipes: Having an ample supply of diapers and wipes is essential for your postpartum journey. Aim to buy enough diapers to last two to three weeks, plus an extra box or two in case of unexpected needs.
  • Nursing essentials: If you are planning on breastfeeding, it is important to ensure you have the proper supplies. Stock up on nursing bras, breast pads, and nipple cream. Also, be sure to have a hands-free pump and storage bags.
  • Toiletries: Ensure you are stocked on feminine hygiene products, such as pads and panty liners. You may also need healing ointments or sprays to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Cleaning supplies: Having the right cleaning supplies can help keep your home clean and tidy, especially during those first few weeks when it might be difficult to keep up with chores. Stock up on laundry detergent, dish soap, wipes, and other cleaning supplies.
  • Food: Eating a healthy diet is essential for postpartum healing and recovery. Fill your fridge and pantry with nutritious foods and snacks you can grab quickly when hunger strikes.

4. Bond with your baby

4. Bond with your baby

Finding time to bond with them can be hard when you’ve just had a baby. But bonding with your baby is one of the most important things you can do during postpartum. Bonding helps build trust and confidence between you and your baby and is essential to the parenting journey.

Here are some tips on how to bond with your baby during the postpartum period:

  • Talk and sing your baby: Talk to your baby in a soothing voice and tell them stories. This is not only calming for both of you, but it also helps your baby learn about language. Singing helps stimulate their brain development.
  • Hold your baby: Skin-to-skin contact is incredibly important for bonding. When you hold your baby, make sure you’re making direct eye contact with them and speaking in a soft tone.
  • Respond to their cues: Pay close attention to your baby’s cues and respond accordingly. If hungry or tired, ensure they get what they need. This helps them understand that their needs will be met, which builds trust and connection.


There’s no right way to deal with postpartum. Start by prioritizing yourself so you can provide the best care for your newborn. This should be followed by building a bond with your child. It’ll help in emotional healing during the postpartum. Lastly, get as much help as possible. It’ll reduce physical strain on your part.

Suboxone treatment for Opioid addiction – Vital benefits to keep in mind before undergoing treatment

Opioid addiction used to be an isolated complexity even a decade back. However, with the increased use of prescription medications and the availability of over-the-counter drugs, it has become one of the most significant problems. According to a recent WHO estimation, over 15 million people are suffering from opioid addiction globally. What is even more shocking is that out of this collection, around 2.1 million are Americans.

Quitting any form of addiction has always been a tough ask. It requires a lot of willpower and professional care. However, even with all the support systems in place, opioid treatment will often include MAT or medical-assisted treatment. Usually, methadone is the drug of choice for combating the effects of opioid addiction and the associated withdrawal symptoms.

According to Dr.Fettman’s suboxone clinic, an expert in opioid addiction treatment, methadone can have several side effects. However, there are distinct advantages of choosing Suboxone over methadone, and here is a comprehensive list for your perusal.

Low abuse risk

The goal for addiction treatment is complete recovery from the addiction. So, it doesn’t make sense to undergo a costly and challenging therapy only to substitute opioids with a different drug. That is the problem you face with methadone-assisted treatment. So, how is Suboxone different, you ask? For starters, Suboxone contains the compound naloxone, which is the medication that enables the reversal of opioid overdoses. So, no individual can abuse Suboxone to substitute for the effects of opioids. Also, intravenous usage of Suboxone is virtually impossible as it will immediately cause the onset of withdrawal effects in opioid users.

Suboxone is accessible

Methadone is highly regulated, which means the only way you can get your hands on a batch is through a professional rehab center. Keep in mind that rehabilitation centers are costly, and you will have to get into the residential program. On the other hand, suboxone treatment doesn’t require you to check-in at the center. You can carry out your day-to-day life and activities while undergoing addiction treatment.

High rates of success

As stated in the previous section, suboxone treatment results in a decrease in the need for use. The most important fact is that Suboxone fills the same opioid receptors in the brain without giving the patient any “high.” It means suboxone use can decrease your opioid cravings through a natural process without the crippling withdrawal effects. It is also important to remember that Users cannot lower suboxone doses quickly but gradually wean off them.


Methadone is seen as the better option out there when it comes to cost-effectiveness. However, with all things considered, with Suboxone, you are getting better treatment for your money’s worth. Remember that there are generic versions of Suboxone available as well, and it qualifies for insurance coverage.

It is vital to remember that rehab and medically-assisted therapy is the way to go. Suboxone treatment can provide you with peace of mind like never before. All the best!