3 Healthy and Delicious Holiday Side Dishes: The AIP Way

With the holidays fast approaching, you may be dreading what exactly to cook now that you are following an anti-inflammatory protocol (AIP) lifestyle.

The good news is that, depending on how you cook it, your turkey should naturally be AIP, according to Dr. Bill Cole, founder of the Cellular Health Accelerator Program.

But what about the side dishes? If you are new to AIP, it may be difficult to imagine Thanksgiving sans mashed potatoes slathered with butter or those special bread rolls that grandma always made.

Luckily, AIP is a vast universe containing a plethora of delicious recipes that will satisfy everyone at the Thanksgiving table. As I have mentioned before, AIP is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle, and my team can help you move toward your goals increasing your cellular energy to boost your health.

As you plan your Thanksgiving feast – and many meals beyond – here are three AIP recipes which are guaranteed to complement any turkey on that big day.

1. Air Fryer Crispy Brussels Sprouts

Air Fryer Crispy Brussels Sprouts


Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like a healthy helping of crispy Brussels sprouts on your plate next to the slices of turkey breast. The air fryer is going to be a critical tool for you if you want to get those crispy, leafy, restaurant-style Brussels sprouts that we have all come to know and love in the last year. Not only is this recipe off the charts, it’s easier than pie – which as we all know is really nice when you are cooking up a storm for a family feast.


1 lb. Brussels sprouts, ends cutted and cut in half lengthwise

1 ½ tablespoons avocado oil

½ teaspoon garlic powder

¼ teaspoon sea salt, or more to taste

¾ teaspoon Italian seasoning or AIP Paleo Powder

2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)


In a big bowl, mix Brussels sprouts and oil. Stir to combine. Add the garlic powder, sea salt, Italian seasoning or AIP Paleo Powder, and nutritional yeast, if using. Stir to combine. Place in a layer in the air fryer and cook at 370℉ for 12-15 minutes; shake the basket a couple of times while cooking. When the tips are starting to brown, remove from the air fryer and serve while hot.

2. Glazed Carrots

Glazed Carrots

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Maybe it’s the deep purple, orange, and yellow hues, but something about picking up a bunch of carrots from the farmer’s market, just yells “fall is here!” The natural sweetness of this recipe will pair wonderfully with your savory sides and mains during Thanksgiving, while the deep autumn colors will pair well with your fall-inspired table runner and decor.


8 carrots, peeled and cut into ¼-inch coins

¼ cup coconut oil

¼ cup coconut sugar

¼ teaspoon salt


Place carrots in the saucepan and fill with water until carrots are completely covered. Boil carrots over medium heat for 15 minutes or until they can be easily pierced with a fork, then drain and set aside. Add coconut oil to the saucepan and melt over low heat. Once melted, add coconut sugar and salt and whisk until a caramel-like consistency is reached. Add carrots back to the saucepan and coat with mixture. Serve immediately.

3. Easy Broiled Asparagus

Easy Broiled Asparagus

Serves: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Easy Broiled Asparagus ticks all the boxes: it’s fast, easy, delicious, wonderfully AIP friendly, and jammed-packed with a ton of nutrients. If Brussels sprouts and carrots don’t do the trick (they will), this yummy dish is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


1 bunch asparagus

2 tablespoons avocado oil

Coarse sea salt, to taste

If asparagus has tough, woody ends, snap them off and discard them. Spread asparagus spears on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with avocado oil and then toss to coat evenly and redistribute in a single layer. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Place the oven rack about four inches beneath the broiler element. Preheat broiler. Broil asparagus in the oven for 4-8 minutes, watching closely to make sure they turn bright green and develop some light blistering but do not char. If your broiler has both a low and high heat setting, you might prefer to start it on low and then increase to high for just the last minute or two. Remove from the oven. Let sit for 2-3 minutes, then serve.

About Dr. Bill Cole

Dr. Bill Cole, the founder of the largest functional medicine group of its kind, has made the Cellular Health Accelerator Program that helps people to be well, feel well, and age well. He has already helped to change the lives of thousands and has spoken on stages across the nation. For more information, visit https://drbillcole.com/